
It's Back to the Drawing Board As the Left's Strategy to Sabotage Trump's Admin Gets Destroyed Quick

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

The left is going to have to wake up way earlier in the morning if they want to succeed in collapsing the Trump administration from within. They're going to have to learn not to be so dumb about it, either. As you'll see, the left isn't sending their best. 

As you know, a mandate of the Trump administration is that all Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs and positions are to be shut down and terminated immediately. This is honestly one of the best things that could happen to this nation, as everything DEI touches rots from within. Moreover, it gives way too much power to many political radicals, which have infested the halls of Washington. 

With Pete Hegseth now the Secretary of Defense, the armed forces are being cleaned up, and the infection pushed back, but that doesn't mean the infection isn't putting up a fight. 

As Streiff reported on Monday, in an attempt to discredit Hegseth, saboteurs within immediately ceased education for the military about the Tuskegee Airmen, an all-black squadron of pilots in WW2 who flew protection routes for bombers. This was a shady move to make it seem as if the anti-DEI policies enforced by the Trump admin were overtly racist. 

The Tuskegee Airmen are a part of American military history, demonstrating how persistence can overcome adversity. These men paved the way for other minority pilots, and are celebrated for doing so. The view the saboteurs wanted to give here was that all the talk about "merit" that Trump had meant nothing in the face of skin color. 

The moment this was brought to Hegseth's attention, he reversed the call, telling Alabama Senator Katie Boyd Britt that "this will not stand." 

This was a pretty ham-fisted attempt at making Hegseth, and by extension, the Trump administration, look bad. Not only did it not work, it revealed the left's hand. Now the word is out that the strategy to bring down the Trump administration from within is "malicious compliance," or following the rules so exactly that it goes beyond the spirit of the task and creates negative consequences as a result.  

The phrase is now being circulated thanks to the reveal of a post from a woman named "Lisa Yates," at the Service Academy Women account on what looks to be Facebook. Upon attempting to visit this page, I found it locked down. 

However, the internet is forever, and Yates' post about how to maliciously comply has been circulating around the internet. 

As you can see in the screenshot of the post below, Yates advises people within the DoD to take certain measures to effectively "resist from within." These include causing many bureaucratic delays as well as pushing off doing tasks they disagree with, prioritizing tasks they do. 

The first strategy listed is "rigorous adherence to protocols," which would mean wrapping things up in policy and procedure to the point of absurdity. This will slow down the process of anything getting done while still following the law. This is where Yates uses the term "malicious compliance." 

Here's the thing. Yates didn't come up with this on her own. In fact, this particular guide for "malicious compliance" was cooked up by the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) back in WW2 and appeared in the "OSS Simple Sabotage Field Manual." Within it, it instructed citizens in Axis-controlled areas on how they could disrupt operations through inefficiency and bureaucracy. 

Many of these instructions can be found in Yates' list, including overcomplicating processes and creating bottlenecks for official actions by tying up things in red tape.

The issue is that now Hegseth has the field manual in his mind, and he knows what to look out for. Moreover, so does the rest of the Trump Cabinet, and any and all employees who begin doing this will be evaluated. If it looks like they're making this complicated on purpose, they're gone. 

I want to reemphasize that what the Trump administration is doing is what the people voted for, and that these people are attempting to gum up the works, not for the betterment of America and its people, but because of an adherence to an ideology that has proven to be destructive to everyone and everything. If their mission isn't to help the Trump administration, then it's the Trump administration's mission to see them cast out. That was part of the order. 

Sabotage is only going to help this administration figure out who needs to go. 


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