
Democrats Keep Telling Christians They're Unwelcome, and Christians of All Stripes Should Act Accordingly

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

The Democrat Party has a long, proud tradition of telling Christians to kick rocks. We're accused of "clinging" to our God from authoritarians who want to be a god themselves, and when god is brought up at Democrat gatherings, God gets booed. 

It's pretty well understood by a great many Christians that the Democrat Party would take Christianity out of the public square if it could. That's not to say it would eliminate displays of religious belief. For instance, you won't see any Democrat attempting to force a Muslim baker to make a gay wedding cake. It's really just Christians that the Democrat Party has a problem with. 

And this is for many reasons. Christians stand in the way of unfettered and unregulated abortion, which is the holiest of sacraments to the left. The ability to kill a child in the womb (and out of if possible) is something the left holds so very dear. Christians are also consistently opposing attempts by the LGBT activist community to have its way with society, including with children. Not being allowed to brainwash children and punish people for not outright worshiping homosexuality and transgenderism is unforgivable to the left. 

But probably the Christian's greatest sin against the left is that it holds God as the creator, the overseer, and the ultimate authority, so much so that Christians fully believe that all human rights come directly from His throne. The issue is that this is the power the left wants, and it can't have it so long as God holds it, so its only recourse is to eliminate God from society. It can't do that so long as Christians have the freedom of speech, to gather and worship, and to vote. 

So you can see why the left holds so much contempt for Christians. They're in the way, and likely represent one of the largest roadblocks to overwhelming power. You can see this contempt all the time. 

You can even see it from Kamala Harris, who recently told a couple of young men who shouted "Jesus is Lord" that they were at the wrong rally. 

(READ: Students Who Said 'Jesus Is Lord' at Harris Rally Reveal Even More About Kamala's Hypocrisy)

Funny enough, Harris recently claimed to be of the Christian faith. She appeared at Pastor Jamal Bryant’s New Birth Missionary Baptist Church to give her own sermon just days after telling those Christian men they were at the wrong rally, where she used the parable of the Good Samaritan to ask if Christians were being Christian enough. 

Coming from a Democrat who had two Christians ejected from her rally, her appearance at a church looks desperate, and even insulting. To push for abortion one moment, and then try to make yourself seem like a picture-perfect display of Christian leadership the next, feels an awful lot like mockery. 

Not every Christian seems to be seeing or hearing this, though, specifically in minority communities. According to Pew Research, black Protestants and Hispanic Catholics side with Harris by a majority: 

Harris currently has the backing of roughly two-thirds or more registered voters in various other religious groups:

  • 86% of Black Protestants
  • 85% of atheists
  • 78% of agnostics
  • 65% of Hispanic Catholics

Atheists and agnostics I can understand, but Christians of any stripe? Harris should be an immediate "no." 

The issue is the racial aspect here. Black people have been Democrat by a great majority for decades, and Hispanic voters have also leaned left. The Democrat Party's ability to play racial politics is unmatched. They spend an inordinate amount of time and money making race an issue in this country, even when it doesn't need to be. If racism disappeared tomorrow, the Democrat Party would be the party hit hardest. 

But it should be understood that the only thing welcome about you is your skin color, not your faith, and not God. You're only so useful as the amount of melanin in your skin, and that should be massively insulting... and not toward your race alone. 

For Christians, God is the focus of your life. He is the center through which all things revolve around. While Christians are not perfect in remembering this, including yours truly, the rule is that wherever you go, God goes with you. The Democrat Party has made it clear to Christians that if you want to become a part of the Democrat Party, you have to discard the most important thing in your life to fit in. 

Don't worry... you can pretend to still be loyal to God, but your true loyalties must be with the Democrat Party and the whim of the left. If you can't get with that kind of thinking... well, you're at the wrong rally. 

Christians of every color have to decide whether they will go with God or with wannabe gods. 


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