
If the Left Truly Cares About Humanity, It Needs to Get On Board With SpaceX and Rocketeer Billionaires

SpaceX via AP

I'm over the left pretending like it cares about the human race when it consistently exhibits a disdain and sometimes hostile attitude toward it. All the venerated minds that the left holds in high regard, seem to think that humanity is killing the planet, chiding and lecturing us about our use of fossil fuels and claiming we've stolen the hopes and dreams of future generations. 

They continue to do this as the doomsday dates they predicted come and go without any change, making them all look like clowns. This is only made worse by the fact that they believe human death, or minimizing the existence of humanity, is the true answer to making sure we have a brighter future. This is some of the most backward thinking you'll see on display in the modern era. We must die so that we can live! Abort children or don't have them at all! If you do, you're contributing to climate change! 

It backs up the point made by J.D. Vance that all of this has made the United States "almost pathologically anti-child."

This kind of thinking isn't going to extend the life of the Earth, it will only limit our species existence. This argument is effectively "stay here in the dirt, do not mate, do not expand, do not multiply, and perhaps we will survive longer." 

We won't. While Earth is an incredible living thing that continues to spin and produce miraculously — and I do use the word "miraculously" with intent, given the dangerous universe we inhabit  — it cannot maintain forever. At some point, a catastrophic event will happen that will kill off most, if not all, of humanity. It could be a meteor that slams into us and wreaks devastation on us like one did to the dinosaurs, it could be a blight that destroys so much of our food supply that humanity starves to death. It could be that we kill ourselves through wars, or playing god with viruses. The possibilities are endless. 

This is why, with every advancement in space travel, I feel excitement... and relief. 

As Susie Moore reported on Sunday, Elon Musk and SpaceX are making huge advancements all the time, bringing humanity closer and closer to being a space-faring species. In an incredible display of technological advancement, SpaceX was able to catch a Super Heavy booster with "Mechazilla" arms. An engineering feat that will go down in history as one of the greatest achievements in space travel. 

Watch this moment for yourself if you haven't already. This is history in the making.

Of course, there are people out there who are so shortsighted, they see these advancements as negatives. They see it as billionaires wasting money that could be used for other things like feeding the hungry, saying that if the world does end, then the only people who will be able to leave are the billionaires building these rockets. 

It would be one thing if this was just some grumblers on X. The issue is that these grumblers also exist in places of power and are more than happy to stop human advancement for what they see as "the greater good." According to Business Insider, Democrats are happy to halt or limit SpaceX launches because Elon Musk disagrees with their politics, but acting like the launches are damaging California's coast and ocean: 

The commission, which aims to protect California's coast and ocean, also disagreed with SpaceX and the military characterizing the launches as federal agency activities, which would exempt the company from obtaining a permit.

Commissioners argued that SpaceX was primarily a private company and should, therefore, obtain a permit itself.

"It is essential that SpaceX apply for a CDP," Hart said, referring to a Coastal Development Permit, adding: "There is no other way forward in my opinion."

Some commissioners took the opportunity to commend the military's recent efforts in working with staff on environmental issues. The commission also noted concerns about impacts on the local environment caused by the rockets' sonic booms.

Let me reuse the word "shortsighted" again because the big picture isn't being seen by Democrats, who seem to believe it's better to virtue signal and win petty political victories over advancing the human race. 

The answer to a lot of the problems here on Earth, probably a great deal of the problems we currently face in this age, are out there in the black. Unlimited resources, scientific advancements the likes we've only seen in sci-fi, answers to universal mysteries left and right, are all waiting for us out there. All we have to do is find a way to safely get up there, move around quickly, and exist there for prolonged periods of time. 

Sci-fi author Devon Erikson put it beautifully in his post on X: 

Instead of fighting over little patches of land, we will have an infinite 3d volume. Enclose it in steel, pump it full of air, spin it, and it's a habitat.  Instead of scratching tiny scraps of metal out of the crust of one planet, we will break down entire asteroids and smelt them.  Instead of drilling for hydrocarbons and turning water wheels, we will harness entire suns, split the atom, and eventually draw our fuel from the substance that makes up 99% of the entire universe.  None of your local, temporal Earth politics matter compared to this. This is more important than pride parades and abortions, more important than tribal conflicts in eastern Europe and southwest Asia, more important than tensions with Russia and China. 

This is so important, yet so many people want to waste so much time and money on things that will ultimately not matter in the long-run. This will, though, because it actually puts humanity in a "long-run" scenario. 

If the left truly cares about people like they say, or pretend they do, then with every successful advancement, every launched rocket, every person sent to space by a private company, they would whoop and cheer... but they aren't. It should make the left's ideological foundations morally suspect. 


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