
Is Elon Musk Right? Is This the Last Election If Kamala Harris Wins?

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

There's a clip of Ben Shapiro out there where he's discussing people saying that if their side loses, then this will be the last election. Shapiro makes it very clear that he disagrees with this idea and that it's only generating rhetoric that makes the other side seem like out-of-control dictators bent on ending America and taking full control. 

He chastises people on both sides for saying this, saying that no matter who wins, America's elections will proceed as normal in the future and that we should stop saying things like this. 

I'm not entirely sure if I agree, and neither does Elon Musk, who stood on stage with Donald Trump in Butler, PA this weekend and said directly that if Harris wins, this will be the last election. 

If Donald Trump wins, I can say with all certainty that this will indeed not be the last election. In fact, it's my ardent hope that once in office, there will be some changes to the federal government that make cheating even harder to do. 

The thing is, we know it happens. America is rampant with voter fraud, and Democrats take active measures to make sure it's harder to detect and stop. The left's resistance to the SAVE Act is a solid example of how willing they are to foment fraud and benefit from it. 

Besides, do you think they're letting in all these illegals out of the goodness of their own heart? If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you. 

The fact that voter fraud is so common with the left isn't surprising. It's been an issue for years. I used to work for "True the Vote" and the amount of stories you'd hear would be overwhelming. Catherine Englebrecht's work to clean up voter rolls in states like Georgia have been phenomenal, but also proof that there is a massive security issue with our elections that the left continuously stops us from trying to fix. 

There's only one reason they would want to do that. 

But while the proof of intent to cheat shows that they have no respect for our elections, it's one other fact that has me wondering if we would actually have elections at all if the left wins in 2024.

It's the left's love of censorship and their repeated and open admissions that they want to curb free speech. 

I don't need to go too deeply into all the ways the left tries to censor you. It's not like there's a dearth of examples. This is the Democrat Party that attempted to create its own 1984 style Department of Truth. This is the same party that features Tim Walz and Kamala Harris on their presidential ticket, both of whom admitted that free speech should be limited whenever "misinformation" is presented, with Walz most recently saying that during the VP debate against J.D. Vance. 

(READ: Is the First Amendment 'Out of Control,' or Is Harris-Walz the Most Anti-Free Speech Ticket in History?)

If the left wins, we will have to endure and fight against more efforts to destroy free speech, and all it will take is one well-placed, well-timed federal judge to make a ruling in favor of the government to make that happen. You might think that the Supreme Court will work to shut down efforts to handcuff the first amendment, but four years is a long time. One of the more reliable judges could suddenly retire or pass away, leaving Harris the ability to appoint a radical. 

Reagan said we're just one generation away from losing America. I'd say the time frame is a lot shorter than that. 

If Harris wins, the door is wide open for censorship to happen, and with the American people being censored, alarms can't be raised, reports can't be reported, the truth will be put behind bars. If there is cheating, speaking out about it could be labeled as "misinformation" and the whistleblower could be punished. Fraud could be happening all over the nation in broad daylight... and you wouldn't see or hear a word about it. 

Shapiro is right that we'd continue to have elections, but they'd be "elections." 

The fact alone that I have to say "I don't know" whether or not we'd actually have true elections after Harris is enough to make voting this year more important than ever, because if Harris does win... I don't know if we'll continue to have them fairly. 

I pray that Musk is wrong, but I'm not sure if he is. 


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