
This Moment From the NFL Highlights the Purge of Masculinity From Mainstream Society

AP Photo/Adam Hunger

I was watching some of the highlights from the NFL last night when one came across my feed on X. In the clip, Allen Lazard, wide receiver for the New York Jets, made a very good catch during his game against the Denver Broncos. He briefly celebrated with a pair of finger guns, not directed at anyone, just a quick few imaginary shots, and then he got up and began walking back to his team for the huddle. The refs, however, immediately threw a flag and announced the penalty, causing the crowd to boo, and Lazard to shake his head.

There's a sissification of the NFL that's been happening over the years. New rules from how players are protected aren't always bad. The NFL is one of the most dangerous sports out there, to be sure, and there should be certain rules that help prevent injuries... but that said, the players know what they're getting into. They've been playing the game for years. Injuries come with the territory. 

That said, it's not necessarily the injury prevention I'm having a problem with, it's the culture the NFL is creating around how players behave. Case in point, there should be no reason why Lazard was punished for finger guns, a harmless gesture that we've been doing since long before I was born. 

Was the call outrageous? Yeah. Was it surprising? No. 

The issue is that the call wasn't a result of an over-softening within the NFL. This was born from an overall cultural movement that seeks to whittle down masculinity within itself little by little. Anything that could be considered aggressive or dangerous, even if just pretend, is to be discouraged by punishments. 

To be clear, this didn't start with the NFL. This actually began in schools, where male students were punished for doing anything that remotely resembled boyish behavior, such as throwing an imaginary grenade or chewing your Pop Tart into the shape of a gun. 

(READ: Here's Proof that Boys Being Boys Is Valuable to Society)

We're discouraged from being dangerous, even in a pretend sort of way. Some governments, like Tim Walz's in Minnesota, see fit to put feminine products in boys' bathrooms at a very young age, despite boys having no use or knowledge about what they are for. 

Not that all forms of masculinity aren't acceptable. It just doesn't resemble masculinity all that much, if at all. We're constantly inundated with Walz, and Kamala Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff, as the proper form of masculinity. A new masculinity that is softer, more caring, less aggressive, and accepting of change. 

You know... feminine masculinity. 

In my latest video, I discuss White Dudes for Harris and note that the left has so turned against masculinity that they've completely forgotten how to even talk to men, much less talk to us without their vitriol sneaking in. 

But why do they hate men so much to begin with? There are many reasons. 

Firstly, it's for the same reason they hate femininity. It reeks of the natural order, which the left finds sickening. It puts women in what they see as an entirely submissive and enslaved role and men in a position of power and influence. Not that they have any respect for women. Their disrespect toward women is apparent in many ways, including the fact that they see femininity, the very essence of women, as weakness. Oddly enough, they want them to behave more like men, but I digress. 

More importantly, masculinity is a complication to authoritarians. One group of masculine, skilled, competent men can build a society and defend it. For authoritarians who want more power, masculinity is too tall a hurdle to overcome. Best to reduce it until the men become less capable of defending themselves, either physically or mentally, and then take power with far more ease. 

In other words, the dragon is convincing the kingdom that the knights that defend it are the real villains, and once the kingdom kicks them out or disarms them, the dragon can proceed to burn and devour as it sees fit. 

Trying to do it all at once would only cause society to laugh, but by punishing men and boys here and there, it becomes a slow erosion over time. Soon, men will be unwilling to display masculinity for fear of reprisal... or that's the hope. 

There's just one issue. Boys will be boys, and if you continue to push them, they'll start pushing back and harder. 

(READ: Masculinity's Revenge on the Democrat Party Is the Result of Stupid Politics)


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