
Masculinity's Revenge on the Democrat Party Is the Result of Stupid Politics

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

The left hates men. That's not hyperbolic to say. It's spent the last few decades degrading, demonizing, and villainizing men and their natural masculinity as dangerous, toxic, and horrifying. 

Remember the Gillette commercial? Remember every movie and television show Disney has produced in the last five or so years? Men suck, women are awesome, and men should roll over and take their trashing for being men.

(READ: The Most Insulting Part of Gillette's "Toxic Masculinity" Commercial Wasn't Just the Stereotypical Depictions of Men)

Leftist activist groups, Democrat politicians, and the corporate media have spent an inordinate amount of time and money to sell the idea to society that in order for it to be safe and advance, men must diminish their natural instincts and become more like women. Failing to embrace this meant being a social pariah and labeled "part of the problem." 

But men aren't so easily intimidated. Maybe leftist men are, but as a general rule, most men told they'll be unpopular for being themselves will laugh, make a rude gesture, then eat some red meat. The left set out to make men more feminine through fear and compliance, or lead society into redefining what a man is, but all they managed to do is alienate us. 

Well... most of us. 

There definitely have been a number of highly compliant men to the anti-male agenda, and you found quite a few of them at the DNC. Even as CNN's Dana Bash noted, the DNC seemed more intent to cater to the less-masculine male than the "testosterone-laden" male. 

(READ: LOL! CNN's Dana Bash Admits That Democrat Men Aren't Exactly the Manly Type)

The thing is, very few people like these kinds of men, even leftist women. A rash of complaints from women have appeared on social media, saying that they want a man who looks, acts, and behaves like a conservative but believes all the things that leftist Democrats do. 

There is something off-putting about these feminist men, and as such they attract few fans, including among women. 

And this poses a massive problem for the Democrat Party, and it's a problem that continues to accelerate the more radical they become about gender politics and alienate the male population of America. 

You'll notice various polls showing that men are growing increasingly conservative, while women are becoming more leftist. Not surprising given that Democrats have embraced feminism as one of its core ideologies. It's going to be very women-centric, catering its message to females at every turn. However, Democrat logic is that all the most important groups under its umbrella are victims, and you can't have a victim without an oppressor, and men were chosen to fill that role. 

Men... who make up around half of the voting population. 

Whoever came up with the idea that it was a solid move to alienate half the voting population should be fired, tarred, feathered, and laughed out of the consulting game. To demonize one of the largest voting blocs in America and expect no ill effects is beyond asinine. 

So you create a massive Republican voting group that pulls levers based on many factors, but one of them is spite, which is probably the most infectious and driving human emotion. 

Oh, but it doesn't stop there. The men then take that spite and influence their wives with it. God forbid, that woman has a son that you're making out to be a villain for simply existing as a boy. Now you've made your attacks personal to her. These are just a couple of the reasons married women are more likely to vote Republican than single women. 

The election hasn't happened yet, but rest assured, Democrat strategists are not happy that so many men have turned their backs on the Democrat Party, but it's its own fault. They decided to pick a fight with masculinity, the essence of humanity that is literally designed to fight and win. 

And this problem is only going to deepen as Democrats continue to hate men. 


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