
The Zelensky Meeting Is a Bad Sign for Democrats

AP Photo/Julia Demaree Nikhinson

Watching Donald Trump meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the world's most profitable beggar, was a little eye-opening. In fact, I'm sure a lot of people, my readers included, picked up on the same thing. 

Especially when Zelensky said this: 

And now, through a lot of challenges — Ukraine and the United States. And, of course, I want to discuss with you, I think, where we are together. I think we have common view that the war in Ukraine has to be stopped, and Putin can't win, and Ukrainians have to prevail. And I want to discuss with you the details of our plan.

Why would he feel the need to do that? Why would he say something like that? 

I think it's because Zelensky sees what's coming down the pipe. It's the same thing I think Mark Zuckerberg sees, and the same reason he contacted Trump personally to talk. 

It's because they see Trump being victorious this November. 

As my friend and colleague Susie Moore noted in her article, it seemed like two leaders talking together. Zelensky wanted to discuss his ongoing war and what Trump might do to help defeat Russia, though I thought his wording was interesting. 

"The war in Ukraine has to be stopped." He didn't say "won," just that Russia couldn't win. 

(READ: Trump and Zelensky Meet and Remind the World What Leadership Looks Like)

Trump has been highly critical in the past of all the money we're sending to Ukraine, and he's not the only one. A solid chunk of the American populace isn't too happy about all of our taxpayer dollars being shipped to his country in such grand amounts. Zelensky's war is costing us billions and billions of dollars, money that could be used here to help improve our economy struggling to breathe. 

Zelensky knows this, he knows Trump agrees with us, and so he met with Trump while here in the states for two reasons. 

One, he has a strong inkling Trump will win. He wants to get in Trump's ear before that happens so that he can begin planning on how to get the best out of his golden goose under a Trump administration. 

He also wants us, you and me, to see him walking and talking with Trump in a very deferential way. Look at how Zelensky talks to Trump, inviting him to his country like an old friend to see it. Trump, ever the diplomat, agreed to take him up on his offer. 

Zelensky is a smart and cunning man, despite what you might think of him. He's hedging his bets, and he wants you, the American Trump voter, to be reassured that, once Trump is in charge, he'll be just as happy as you are. You're on the same team! MUGA!

"But Brandon, he also met with Harris and Biden," some might say. 

Well... yeah. Of course, he did. He needed to secure another $8 billion for his country. Biden and Harris both wanted to be seen doing that. Harris especially wanted to be seen doing that. She did laps back and forth on the White House balcony with Zelensky to make it look like she was deep in foreign policy talks. 

Does this mean Zelensky has confidence in Harris winning? Not necessarily. Keep in mind, he has to do this. This is the monkey dancing for his banana. He's willing to help Harris craft her illusion for it. 

But he didn't have to meet with Trump. He did it because he felt compelled to. 

And that should worry Democrats. The fact that Bonasera went to the Godfather shows that he knows where the real power is, or in Zelensky's case, where it's going to be. 

What you saw was Zelensky kissing the ring. 


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