
Let's See If Zuck Pulls a Musk and Helps Save the World

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Mark Zuckerberg has always behaved in a manner I can only describe as "squirrelly." He comes off as a principled man who knows what he's doing but underneath, there's someone playing a game with you. To be fair, you could say this about most CEOs. These are people who, I'm convinced, have a shared element of sociopathy in them. They have to in order to do their jobs well. 

But there is something that's interesting with Zuck. As Nick Arama recently reported, Zuck seems to be having something of a shift in views. While I wouldn't dare say he's leaving the left, he's sure becoming more and more openly opposed to their efforts. In fact, he's becoming "libertarian" according to reports: 

Privately, Mr. Zuckerberg now considers his personal politics to be more like libertarianism or “classical liberalism,” according to people who have spoken to him recently. That includes a hostility to regulation that restricts business, an embrace of free markets and globalism and an openness to social-justice reforms — but only if it stops short of what he considers far-left progressivism. And Mr. Zuckerberg and his wife, Dr. Priscilla Chan, have been privately aghast about what they see as a rise of antisemitism on college campuses, including at their alma mater, Harvard.

Do I trust this? No... not yet. 

As I wrote about not long ago, Zuckerberg seems to be coming clean on a lot about Facebook's internal struggles with leftism. He came with hat in hand to Jim Jordan, exposing the Biden administration's attempts at coercing Facebook into censoring posts that hurt their narrative. Now we're learning he nuked the leftist activism in his company. 

My take at the time? Zuck sees something coming. He's the CEO of one of the largest social media corporations in the world. He knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows when you've been bad or good, and he doesn't care which, just keep posting for goodness’ sake. All those posts probably indicate that Donald Trump is likely going to win the election handily, and he's preparing his business for a Trump administration that will likely be seeking some retribution. 

In my opinion, this is Zuck smearing lambs blood over his door so that spirit of retribution passes over him without trouble. As I wrote then: 

I'm thinking Zuck is pretty positive Donald Trump is going to win the 2024 election. 

The one thing I don't think is happening is that Zuckerberg is having a change of heart and is suddenly a free-speech advocate or even a budding Republican himself in the lane of Elon Musk. 

Historically, Zuckerberg is a very, very shrewd businessman who isn't afraid to put his company first above all else. He is incredibly aggressive when it comes to knocking out or acquiring his competition, and some of the things he's been noted to say in the past have shown a man capable of apathy, or sometimes even disdain, for people, including those who use his platform.

(READ: What Zuckerberg's Admission to Jim Jordan on Meta's Censorship Really Means...for Democrats)

I don't trust Zuck as far as I can throw him, but there is something that gives me pause. I can't help but see similarities in his journey to that of everyone's favorite CEO, Elon Musk. 

Musk started as a leftist who, over the course of years, became disillusioned with the left and now finds himself on the right. He was an environmentalist, and worked closely with the Obama administration. But then the Democrats began demonstrating their love of regulations, which Musk, a businessman, did not see eye to eye with. High taxes and government overreach became great annoyances for Musk, and then there was the free speech issue. 

Musk saw free speech as integral to the growth and advancement of society, and through much pain and complication, purchased Twitter, turned it into X, and changed the landscape of public conversation for the better. He is now an open Trump supporter and actively rails against the left's agenda without fear. 

Musk is a very bold personality. He wasn't afraid to sit on stage and publicly tell Disney CEO Bob Iger to "go f*** yourself." He picks fights both in the public square and the legal arena. The man isn't scared. 

Zuck, on the other hand, seems to be having a similar journey. Zuck was a leftist who became disillusioned with leftism as the government forced itself on his company and the leftists who worked for him demanded his resignation because he wasn't doing enough for the leftist cause. Now he's pushing back and even undermining the left's efforts... or so it seems.

The difference is that Zuck is not nearly as bold or combative as Musk is willing to be. Zuck is far more corporate in his approach. Cautious and careful is his strategy. You'll never find Zuck telling people to "go f*** themselves" when they try to screw him over, at least not in public. 

Moreover, I think that Musk is blazing a trail that Zuck is quietly following. There is success in resistance to the left, to the system that has tried controlling everything. Zuck's "libertarianism" could be a signal that he's pulling away from the controlling aspects of the expectations put upon him by leftist governments. 

What does this mean for us or America? 

I'm not sure yet. Meta could become another free speech platform similar to that of X as Zuck continues to awaken. We could see Zuck create or facilitate easier information exchanges and compete with Musk in the realm of social media communication. Musk proved that social media can be profitable with incentivization, and nothing incentivizes people to interact quite like money, and more information exchanges means more money for everyone. This would require a lifting of certain content guidelines, making things more open. 

Of course, this could all be fake and Zuck is being Zuck, bending and moving with the socio-political climate. Once it's in the air that leftism is in vogue or gaining power, he could very well revert back to the pro-censorship guy he started as. 

Time will tell, but until time does tell, I'm going to give the man a chance to prove himself, and even encourage his evolution. Zuck is an information gatekeeper, and the more of them on our side, the better. 


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