
The 'Gay Explosion' That Could End LGBT Influence in Entertainment

AP Photo/Chris Pizzello

Do you remember a channel called "LOGO?" Many of you probably won't as it was definitely very niche. It went live in 2005 and was a home for exclusively LGBT programming. However, by the mid-2010s, its incredibly low viewership forced it to drift away from exclusively gay-centric programming, and it began airing more mainstream television. The channel is still around today, but it primarily airs reruns of mainstream shows. 

It should have been a lesson to any corporations who were watching, but apparently, the lesson didn't sink in though it was easy to grasp; LGBT programming is too niche to attract a large enough audience to be sustainable. 

Yet, corporations went gaga for gayness, and you couldn't step foot in front of a working screen without seeing homosexuality or transgenderism demonstrated in some capacity. It wasn't just in your shows, it was also in your children's shows. If you weren't going to normalize it, then perhaps they could force your children to do it through sheer brute force by putting it in front of them as often as possible. 

This was accompanied by scolding from politicians, actors, directors, producers, activists, media talking heads, corporate journalists, and more, all telling you that not watching and supporting programming like this makes you a bad person. This programming was made for a "modern audience" that never showed up, but in their minds you were the modern audience, and you had better start acting like it by raining praise and love on these woke creations. 

Yet, no one bit. Screens remained off. YouTubers who reviewed the shows became more popular than the shows themselves. Despite every attempt to push ideological nonsense on the people, the people weren't consuming it. 

Many companies did this, but probably none more egregiously than Disney. Not only did it do this with such reckless abandon that it tarnished the name of Disney to the public, it did so under the banner of being a family-friendly entertainment company. 

Disney might have learned its lesson after years of failing to normalize woke nonsense into public discourse through entertainment. It began firing off and letting go of activist employees. One day, it came down the pipe that Disney had told the creators of "Inside Out 2" that it needs to be "less gay," meaning things needed to be taken out that make the lead human character come off as a lesbian, which is good, seeing as how the lead human character is a young girl. 

(READ: You've Won: Disney Adopts Its Own 'Don't Say Gay' Policy)

But I did say that there would still be some shows coming down the pipe that would be infected with that woke virus, and that Disney would release them as planned. The de-gayification of Disney isn't something that's going to happen overnight. We might still be in store for more awful programming for the next year or so, which brings me to "Agatha All Along," Disney-Marvels latest outing meant to serve as a spin-off from "Wandavision."  

I won't go too far into why the show is awful, suffice to say that it has the same bad story writing issues that "The Acolyte" had, which also focused on "diversity," "representation," and had gay space witches. "Agatha All Along" does not have gay space witches, but it does have witches, and there seems to be gay things happening around them. 

For instance, at one point, the lead character Agatha Harkness appears naked for a completely avoidable reason in her front yard, exposing herself to a young teenage girl who gawks at her with a smile. 

According to Variety, this is all very intentional. In fact, they're touting it as one of the show's main draws, including calling it a "gay explosion": 

“I would agree with that,” Sasheer Zamata, who plays Jennifer Kale, said when told at Monday’s premiere that “Agatha” has been described as “the gayest project Marvel has ever done. “You’ll see when you watch. Witches are queer, inherently, just because we are outcasts and set aside for many reasons. This show shows a really good representation of different types of people and that we can all use the power we have within to go forward and be great.”


Aubrey Plaza, who said in interview with the Advocate in 2016 that she falls in love with men and women, was tightlipped about details but cracked about “Agatha,” “It will be a gay explosion by the end of it.”

As it stands, it looks like the series is going to face the same abysmal ratings as "The Acolyte," and deservedly so. This kind of programming appeals to a very niche audience who would much rather see themselves represented via skin-deep and sexual identity than see themselves through a well-written character they can identify with through more organic means.

But more importantly, this is probably going to be one of the final nails in the coffin of this kind of programming. Once it bombs, there can be no arguments remaining. There's no more debate to be had. 

No one is watching this nonsense. No one wants this. They never did. They never will. 

It's time to move on, and ignore the rage of this small niche group that managed to weasel itself into our popular culture. 

I believe this "gay explosion" is going to detonate any chances this woke culture intrusion into the greater culture is going to cripple it beyond repair. 


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