
Democrats Are Looking Up to Find the Democrat Party Is Unrecognizable

AP Photo/Stephen B. Morton

Since 2020, there has been a lot of reshuffling in terms of party affiliation. Some people in the Republican Party have jumped ship and will be voting for Kamala Harris, one of the most radical leftists to ever run for the job. They do this out of either a severe case of TDS or they were Democrats all along and this emerging Republican Party has no place for their statist, elitist way of thinking. 

(READ: The Republican Party Is Dead, Long Live the Republican Party)

But as these former Republicans show their true colors, a list of former Democrats are also abandoning the Democrat Party. Since 2020, a list of high-profile departures have occurred both in politics and media:

  • Kyrsten Sinema
  • Jeff Van Drew
  • Alan Dershowitz
  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
  • Tulsi Gabbard
  • Elon Musk
  • Joe Rogan
  • Rose McGowan
  • Tricia Cotham
  • Francis Thompson
  • Jeremy LaCombe
  • Mesha Mainor
  • Elliott Pritt
  • Paul Mitchell
  • Dawn Addiego
  • Marie Alvarado-Gil
  • Max Abramson
  • Bob Smith

This is just the last four years, and I'm not even sure if this list is complete. 

The abandonment of the Democrat Party by Dershowitz is a pretty big tell. As Bob Hoge wrote on Friday, Dershowitz posted a video indicating how he's had it with the radicalism that's consumed his former political home, as he told an interviewer: 

"Well, gradually over time. I think a lot of things pushed me in that direction. Kamala Harris' failure to comply with their constitutional obligation to preside over the Senate and the House Joint Sessions for Netanyahu pushed me a lot over that. And what Joe Biden said pushed me over that. But I think the thing that really pushed me is how the Democrats conducted their convention.

I cannot be associated with the party that features as its speakers, AOC, Sharpton, Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders, that's not my party."

RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, and Rose McGowan are so fed up with the radicalism that has infected the left that they one day looked up and realized they weren't in the left anymore. Each of them experienced their own crystallizing moment where they found the party never truly cared about them or the things they valued. It was only ever about power, and they were willing to sacrifice whoever and whatever they needed to in order to get it. 

What's more, they're bringing their own group of supporters with them who have found themselves in agreement. 

(READ: Pulling Out All the Stops: RFK Jr. Urges ALL Supporters to Vote for Trump)

As you can see, the cracks are starting to show as the Harris campaign continues to run what is an awfully mediocre campaign. As Nick Arama reported on Friday, Trump is starting to pull away so fast that it almost defies belief: 

One of the people whose forecasts have been turning around more toward Trump is Nate Silver. Over the last week, there's been a big move toward Trump, which Silver said is largely because the more recent polling for Kamala Harris in swing states hasn't been great. His forecast on greater probability to win the Electoral College is now at 61.5 percent for Trump, 38.3 for Harris. 

I'm not going to say that this poll Silver has is right on the money, and I'm going to assume it's far closer than that just to be careful, but these swing states leaning red aren't Republicans getting their act together, or at least not solely that. This is a mass of Democrats and Independents saying they've had it. 

There is a massive shift happening right now in both parties, or rather a realization of a shift having occurred. The new Republican Party is a far more dangerous beast than it used to be, but so is the Democrat Party. However, one party has become radicalized to the left, and the other is finding itself becoming more proactive out of a need to protect America. 

When even moderate Democrats recognize this difference, it's bad news for the modern Democrat Party. 


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