
Why Americans Are Still Easily Swayed by Democrat Lies

AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez, File

I've seen more than a few people scratching their heads and wondering how Kamala Harris and the Democrats could have any support at all, especially given the last few years have been nothing but a total failure and example of how not to run a country, led by an administration that Harris was a key part of. To be sure, it defies all logic. 

But you know that because you pay attention. You're more up on what's happening and who's behind it all because you read, watch, and participate in politics, some of you to the point of obsession... or you're a VIP member, which makes you really cool and 35 percent more physically attractive according to scientific studies I don't think I need to cite. 

Most of America is not you. They don't watch the news or read the articles. They don't know much about history, nor do they remember the names of their own representatives or what the first five amendments in the Bill of Rights are. Most of America lives comfortably, nestled in the first-world comfort that keeps them safe, well-fed, and able to enjoy luxuries that parts of the world don't even know exist. 

But before you get mad at these people, I think it should be understood that if things were working how they're supposed to, this is how things should be. People should be able to live their daily lives without having to worry about someone in a fancy building far away from them, with no care for the people, making decisions on their behalf that could affect them for the worse. 

Most people in America want to wake up in the morning, see to their children's breakfast and get them ready for school, see the kids off, then head to work themselves, do their job, come home, have dinner with their family, put their kids to bed, then spend what remainder of the day there is after that to relax. They want to watch a fun television show, or watch a movie, read a book, play a video game, or something that doesn't involve having to do miles of research or stories that require you to stay up to date in order to enjoy.  This especially applies to the young, who might not have the same responsibilities, but also don't have the same concerns and therefore don't think to be educated on things that could affect them. 

As I wrote back in 2023, a study was released showing that the vast majority of Americans get their news and opinion second-hand and from non-political or news-oriented sources: 

So, where did they get their political information? From entertainment, shopping sites, celebrity gossip pages — all the things that people prefer in comparison to news and public affairs. These non-news sites emerged as the dominant source of political information simply by virtue of the volume of activity there compared with the little time spent on news sites.

“Even though politics in these kinds of [non-news] sites comprised only 1.6% of all visits,” the authors write, “the aggregate popularity of webmail, entertainment, shopping sites, or celebrity gossip means that an average citizen encounters most political content outside news [our emphasis added]. People, especially Americans and especially those with low political interest…encounter politics more frequently outside news outlets than within.”

(Study: It's Not Just CNN or MSNBC That Are Conditioning People to Believe Lies)

Nobody understands this fact more than the Democrats. In fact, they totally rely on it, which is why their strategy isn't so much to focus on speeches and factoids; it's allowing the cultural filter to have its effect. 

The cultural filter works like this: 



This is why the Harris campaign has been spending so much time and money reaching out to internet influencers from all corners of the internet, such as Twitch, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. This is because they are the new celebrity. It used to be something they could reliably count on Hollywood for, but they've lost a lot of their luster over the past decade.

(READ: Kamala Harris and the Thinning Hollywood Bubble)

But before we jump on Harris and the Democrats for utilizing influencers to sway low-info voters, from a disconnected perspective, this is a very smart move and probably a wise one, all things considered. Now, it should be noted that many influencers are turning the Harris campaign down despite being offered payment, which is kind of hilarious to watch, but regardless, there are some that absolutely are singing her praises. 

(READ: Another Influencer Comes Forward Exposing Harris Campaign Paying for Support)

The way many low-info voters are treating Harris like she's not an authoritarian psychopath with a penchant for failing upward and zero accomplishments to her name is a testament to the fact that this kind of strategy actually works. 

Is it cheap and underhanded? 

Not really. Not when you stop to think about it. Both parties spend millions of dollars on advertising on television and pay celebrities to show up at their events to sing their praises. Republicans, including the Trump campaign, should try doing the same. 

Given, the Trump campaign doesn't have to try as hard. It already has influencers pushing him without payment. But it's not a bad idea to reach out to more. Each of these people has an audience that Republican words might not have ever reached. 

The fact is, the world has changed, and the Republican Party should change its strategy to meet the challenge of outreach in this modern world. They should utilize influencers, not scoff at them. These people might never hear the message otherwise, being inundated by other non-practicing Democrats who get their message from bad sources as well. 


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