Watch: Key Harris Ally Says 'F*** the White Women' but Is Happy to Take Their White Guilt Money

AP Photo/LM Otero

Someone notify the "White Women for Harris" group to hold the self-back pats because their efforts probably aren't as appreciated as they thought.

If you've never heard of Cora Masters Barry, here's your introduction. She's a key black female activist who had held meetings at the White House on more than 50 occasions, as well as almost a dozen visits with Harris and/or her staff. 


According to Fox News, Barry is now in the spotlight because of controversial statements that she made back in 2021, particularly about white women:

Weeks before President Biden and Harris were sworn into office in 2021, Barry and Campbell participated in a public Zoom call in which they made controversial statements about Trump supporters and used an expletive against White voters, specifically White women, which could cause some internal clashes as different coalitions mobilize to try to get Harris into the White House.

You can see the moment for yourself. Barry is seen saying "f*** the white women" but that she's happy to take their "white guilt money" so she can put it into her communities and radicalize people there:

What makes this moment hilarious is that a bunch of white women got together on a whites-only Zoom call to talk about how they can best help out the black community by voting for Kamala Harris. The Zoom call was, itself, the height of cringe with the worst moment being a TikTok influencer named Arielle Fodor "gentle parenting" all the white women on how they should talk and act online around black people, including silencing themselves as a black person is talking and never telling them they're wrong: 


The white women Zoom call raked in over $8.5 million, which isn't surprising, seeing as how the meeting was geared toward attracting upper-middle class women and using their aforementioned white guilt to make them contribute money. 

And this is the money that Barry spoke of. It would appear that Democrat activists have Democrat voters pegged pretty well. At least, Barry certainly does. 

"They be smiling in their faces, they want to stay in charge," Barry said on the 2021 Zoom call. "I don't care nothing about them, we got to do what we got to do."

She added that if they start another Women's March, she'll go over there and "blow it up." 

Will this affect the white female vote for Harris? Probably not. If you were a white leftist woman before this, you'll likely still be a white leftist woman after. If they learn about this, they'll probably shrug it off and ignore it in order to continue virtue signaling in front of other white leftists. 


(READ: Democrat's 'White Savior Complex' Can't Be Understated)

But no matter how you swing it, Barry is a well-regarded figure in the Harris campaign. So much so that she's continued to be a voice they listen to, and she sure has a lot to say about how white women are only as important as how deep their pocketbooks go. 


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