Embarrassing: MSNBC Contributor Faceplants After Trying to Hit JD Vance With a Wildly False Accusation

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

MSNBC and CNN should be front and center as the example of how not to be a news organization because they just cook up moments that would be incredibly embarrassing if its hosts and guests were capable of shame. 


Author and MSNBC contributor Molly Jong-Fast decided she was going to do what everyone is doing right now on the left, and that's weighing in on JD Vance, who I assume they see as Trump's weakest link, mostly due in part because they told themselves he is. 

While discussing JD Vance's stance on "childless cat ladies," a phrase the left has grasped at like a life preserver as they watch their ship sink, Jong-Fast put in her two cents. 

She painted Vance as a man who "only wants white children" in the nation and says that he's a part of the "great-replacement" theory, or the idea that the government is attempting to replace white American people with foreign nationals in order to make white people the minority or phase them out entirely. 

The point is to paint Vance as a conspiracy-theory-driven white supremacist. 


There's just one, very obvious, glaring problem with Jong-Fast's take on Vance. 

Vance is married to an ethnically Indian woman named Usha Chilukuri. He married her in a multi-faith ceremony where they were wed by a Christian priest and then were blessed by a Hindu cleric. 

They then had three children, all of them half white and half Indian. 

If Vance is worried about the great replacement, he's got a funny way of showing it. 

I'm not sure if Jong-Fast even stopped to check if what she was saying was true, or if she did and didn't care. The prevailing myth that Republicans, or even conservatives in general, are all racists who hate anyone who doesn't look like them is something that writhes deep in the brain of every die-hard leftist. 

Even if Jong-Fast or any of the MSNBC hosts and contributors (that didn't seem to stop and correct her) saw that Vance was, in fact, not a white supremacist, the Olympic-level mental gymnastics they would do to keep that myth safely in their minds would win gold medals. No matter what, the "JD Vance is a racist" narrative cannot die. 


Quite a bit of the Democrat platform revolves around painting their opponents as racist, and without it, they don't have much. 

READ: 'Weird': The Harris Campaign's Line of Attack Against JD Vance Isn't Going Well

This is a very embarrassing moment for MSNBC, and if their mission was to paint Vance as a dangerous person that people should avoid, all they ended up doing was proving that MSNBC isn't a real news organization. It's Democrat fan fiction. 


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