
The SPLC Is Putting Medical Professionals on 'Hate Watch' Lists for the Crime of Not Mutilating Children

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

The Southern Poverty Law Center likes to point at groups and people and accuse them of being hateful, but I'm more and more convinced that the SPLC is a hate group unto themselves. They certainly seem to have a strong dislike of anyone or anything that runs contrary to the radical parts of the left's agenda. 

Apparently, the SPLC has a strong dislike of doctors who won't perform sex change procedures on children. 

(READ: The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Smear Campaign: Labeling Disagreement As Hate)

The SPLC has released its "Year in Hate and Extremism" report for 2023. As The Daily Signal analyzed, the list now includes doctors who oppose transgender treatments for children: 

The SPLC also demonized groups of doctors who oppose experimental “transgender” medical interventions. These interventions, euphemistically referred to as “gender-affirming care,” involve drugs to block puberty, cross-sex hormones to make males seem female and vice versa, and surgeries to remove healthy reproductive organs. While much of the medical industry has been captured by gender ideologues who champion these interventions, many brave doctors have spoken out against them. Now, they find themselves on a map with the Klan in a report on “white supremacy.”

These groups include Do No Harm, Genspect, Partners for Ethical Care, and the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine.

The “Year in Hate” report also cites another report the SPLC released last year that demonized opposition to transgender orthodoxy as “pseudoscience” and a tool of “theocracy.”

Just to show you how not serious the SPLC is about who is considered hateful to the LGBT community, they included the LGBT group "Gays Against Groomers," but I digress. 

This is a solid reminder that the SPLC are not the good guys. They are, in fact, a hyper-partisan group of leftists who will discard all sense and reasonability to label and accuse people of horrible things for merely opposing leftist agenda items. If so many on the left in powerful positions didn't take this group seriously, they'd be a joke. 

If you look past all the self-righteous nonsense the SPLC likes to throw at the public to make itself appear as if it's on some high moral mountain, you'll notice that what they're doing is attempting to help enforce the mutilation of children in the name of a political agenda item. "Gender-affirming care," as the left refers to it, is often life-ruining procedures that are irreversible. It's one thing for an adult to willingly engage in it. However, a child doesn't know any better, and they will suffer the consequences of these decisions that were made for them by adults who know better for the rest of their lives. 

And it's not like the information that these things were destructive towards children hasn't been out there for some time. 

As I wrote back in January, one of the pioneers of "gender-affirming care," Finnish Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala, caught on very quickly that this wasn't healthy and warned the rest of the medical community that such treatments were having adverse effects on children, and moreover, most of these children had mental anguish and complications to begin with. She attempted to warn the medical community but was largely ignored: 

The young people we were treating were not thriving. Instead, their lives were deteriorating. We thought, what is this? Because there wasn’t a hint in studies that this could happen. Sometimes the young people insisted their lives had improved and they were happier. But as a medical doctor, I could see that they were doing worse. They were withdrawing from all social activities. They were not making friends. They were not going to school. We continued to network with colleagues in different countries who said they were seeing the same things.


We began to see groups of teenage girls, also usually from 15 to 17 years of age from the same small towns, or even the same schools, telling the same life stories and the same anecdotes about their childhoods, including their sudden realization that they were transgender—despite no prior history of dysphoria. We realized they were networking and exchanging information about how to talk to us. And so, we got our first experience of social contagion–linked gender dysphoria. This, too, was happening in pediatric gender clinics around the world, and again health providers were failing to speak up. 

But if Dr. Kaltiala isn't enough, then let's take a look at organizations that the SPLC would actually respect. 

The U.K.'s National Health Service banned the use of puberty blockers on children due to insufficient evidence of safety and effectiveness. 

The World Health Organization is getting cold feet about it, too, cautioning medical professionals against the use of gender-affirming care. 

Does the SPLC think the NSH or the WHO are hate groups? 

The bottom line is that transgender treatments on children are evil, and if the SPLC wants to defend the mutilation of kids so hard that they're willing to toss medical professionals who are real about the long-term negative effects of it on children in with the KKK, then that makes the SPLC an evil organization itself. 

(READ: LGBT Activists Think Our Children Are Theirs? Molon Labe)


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