
Where Environmentalists Are Trying to Out-Evil Hitler

AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia, file

There's a joke about the difference between radical and moderate environmentalists. 

The radical wants to kill half of humanity. The moderate doesn't...he just wants the radical to do it for him. 

I'm not, in any capacity, a fan of the climate change cult that has gripped the Western world. Time and again, I'm shown by actual science that the claims made by climate alarmists that the sky is falling aren't true. 

(READ: A Non-Believer’s View of the Church of Climate Change)

The issue with the Climate Church is that it always has the same solution to every problem; do away with independence, freedom, and rights, and hand all the power over to the government so they can control everything you do to save you and the planet. 

It's the common solution to anything people and parties who value overbearing authority give for any problem. Meanwhile, they continue to prove to be inept, incompetent, and corrupt at everything else...but sure, they'll be great at micromanaging everything. 

But it's not just the tyranny-centered solutions to the problem that bothers me. One of the core solutions they constantly present is that to save a planet that's not dying at all is population reduction. You see this said continuously by environmentalists of every stripe. They proclaim there are too many people putting out too much pollution from their new mega-yacht or private jet. 

(READ: Study Finds Those Finger-Wagging Celebrity Eco-Warriors Emit 10,000 Times More CO2 Than the Average Person)

While most eco-religion followers won't admit it, the louder and prouder ones happily do. Their suggestions range from controlling birth rates because "kids are bad for the Earth" to something we saw recently from The Guardian from "climate scientist" Bill McGuire, who wrote a now-deleted article and post suggesting we begin culling humanity by releasing a pandemic with a very high fatality rate. 

The backlash against McGuire was so extreme that he attempted to lie about what he said, but the internet is forever. 

Every now and again, someone will pop up with the idea that we should enact forced sterilizations or medically assisted suicide in order to reduce the population and save the environment. 

When I read these things, I can't help but think of Hitler who wanted to save Germany by doing a lot of the same things. Hitler was a fan of eugenics and forced sterilization. He too was all about population culling and he pointed to various racial groups as the issue, namely the Jewish people. 

For the most part, society largely agrees that Hitler was a horrific person who embodied evil and carried out some of the most malicious crimes against human beings based on ignorance and hate. 

Yet, when environmentalists proclaim we do something very similar, there's no major public outcry. No one stops to think that what many environmentalists are suggesting is taking Hitler's ideas further, and just eliminating a large portion of the population, halting birth rates through nefarious means, and more. 

This is mass death, be it creating a pandemic with a high fatality rate, abortion, or assisted suicides. 

This is just as evil as Hitler. 

And as such, what has been labeled as "extinctionism" is clearly not the answer. Death is not how we fix the problem. We fix the problem by technological advancement that increases our understanding of the world around us and produces technologies that help us live and work in our environment without impacting it so destructively. It's hard to create these advancements and breakthroughs when you're killing off, or preventing the birth of, the men and women who will develop this tech. 

As Elon Musk noted, these extinctionists want a holocaust for all of humanity. The answer is the opposite route in expansionism, or becoming capable of leaving the planet to take the stars and further understanding our universe. Living on and learning more. 

When you stop to truly look at the Church of Climate Change and its agendas, a lot of it is truly psychotic and there has to be a point where we wake up to the corruption, hypocrisy, and outright evil that it represents and begin embracing ourselves as a species capable of doing amazing things. 

We will never get to a point where we're truly achieving a balance with nature if we're holding ourselves back for the sake of some lunatics who don't truly believe what they're saying anyway. 


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