
Evil Is Real

AP Photo/John Locher, File

There's a clip going around from the "Whatever" podcast that featured a man who seemed to agree with a woman's take about women working in OnlyFans being a big problem for both men and women but the woman arguing against OF seemed to have a problem calling at the women participating in it as "disgusting." The man was trying to get her to tell these women they were disgusting but she seemed to be dodging the act. 

Some are going to be taken aback by the man's question to the woman but it's something worth considering. 

"Why is it you can't say that?" 

Ultimately, the man was right. A woman who is engaging in pornography is disgusting. I wouldn't date a woman who does porn or displays her body to other men for money because I would find it gross that a bunch of other men had access to my wife's most intimate parts of herself. It's a pox on her virtue and value as a partner because she's clearly not just your partner. It's gross. 

Yet the woman who was on his side of the argument couldn't bring herself to say that. She didn't want to go that far. It's like she was afraid of stating the obvious for fear of something. 

When you stop to think about it, you see it a lot in our society. People will drop their voices to a whisper or look around to make sure they're not being overheard before they state a very clear problem in our society. Oftentimes they'll preface what they're going to say with assurances that they're not this or that before stating the truth. 

How did we get to this point where we're not willing to call a spade a spade, especially when it comes to calling out sin or evil?

There are obvious reasons. In some cases, doing so could get you accused of all sorts of social sins and labeled as a social pariah. People have lost jobs over saying innocuous truths such as "men are men and women are women." Some have been punished by society at large for saying something merely interpreted as racist. 

But I think there's another force at work and it's happening in our culture. 

A while back I wrote about how villains in stories are an integral part of our society because they teach people, especially the young, about good and evil. In the troubled world we inhabit, understanding the differences is necessary, not just in the pursuit of being a good person, but it's a survival skill. Knowing when you're being seduced or manipulated by evil could literally save your life. 

Yet our entertainment and arts industries have made evil into something more misunderstood and tragic than actual evil. 

(READ: We Need Proper Villains to Return to Our Stories)

And you see this happening now in one of the most popular stories in our culture, the Star Wars franchise where the upcoming "Acolyte" show on Disney+ has been marketed as a show that does away with the "light side/dark side" concept and makes everyone just people. 

As Comix Division notes in his review of the "Acolyte" trailer, the show seems to sport moral ambiguity as a theme. 

Humanity is literally in the midst of teaching itself that there is no good or evil through the stories we tell and this is wildly dangerous for our species. We are not animals. We are higher beings that understand what is and isn't evil and what is and isn't good. We base our entire society and civilization around this concept. 

Humanity wages wars based on this concept. 

Yet, here we are. It's pretty clear that good and evil are being confused. You can see it from the confusion about whether or not criminals should be punished for their crimes because of their identity to literal confusion about whether or not Hamas are terrorists or freedom fighters. 

(READ: We've Forgotten What Evil Is)

I'll be the first to stand up and say that there are plenty of gray areas in our society about wrong and right. Nuance is always present in nearly every debate. 

But at the end of the day, evil is evil and we need to be okay with calling it out and talking about it. Sometimes, it needs to be highlighted so that the person being tempted and courted by it will not fall into a destructive lifestyle, a backward ideology, or a coffin. 


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