
Don't Let the Real Message About the Democrats' Treatment of Biden Get by You

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

From the very beginning, it was pretty clear that something was wrong with Joe Biden. Few people were all that excited about him being the pick for Democrats. Even comedian Bo Burnham made a song about it, one that many Democrats openly admitted was too relatable.

But the party continued to pretend there was nothing wrong with him out of one side of their mouth, while lamenting his obvious senility out of the other. They could do this in good conscience for two reasons. 

Firstly, the Democrats weren't the party of Biden, they were the part of "not Trump." It didn't matter who the person was that got elected at the end of the long as it wasn't Tulsi Gabbard. If the winner of the primary had been an empty solo cup with a "D" drawn on it, the Democrats would have tried to convince America that it was a better choice. 

Sadly, I'm not sure they would have failed. They'd conditioned the people over the years to think that Trump truly was a criminal mastermind of pure evil--and yet wildly incompetent to boot.

The Democrats didn't have to elect an empty cup; instead, they elected an empty man. 

They tried to pass his senility off as non-existent, or even paint him as a well-meaning grandfather type. However, it was pretty clear after a while that the paint they were putting on the rust wasn't doing much to convince people that Biden was anything but a man losing his mind to age. It didn't help that his family was so deep in their own corruption that the grandfatherly world leader angle wasn't flying either. 

And that corruption came boiling to the top after a time, forcing Biden into a situation where he would have to answer for everything. It was, at that point, that the people pulling Biden's strings finally decided to rely on the truth about Biden. He was mentally unfit to stand trial because his mind had deteriorated too much to remember things well. 

As Bob Hoge wrote on Saturday, this naturally led people to ask a simple question. If he can't stand trial because of his lessened mental capacity...then why is he running the most powerful country on the planet? This question was ignored by the New York Times, and they pushed Biden to do more to prove he's still the leader they've been propping him up as for years: 

The president has to reassure and build confidence with the public by doing things that he has so far been unwilling to do convincingly. He needs to be out campaigning with voters far more in unrehearsed interactions. He could undertake more town hall meetings in communities and on national television. He should hold regular news conferences to demonstrate his command of and direction for leading the country.

READ: Head Spinning NYT Editorial Admits Biden Incapable, Then Demands He Do More

Let's stop for a second and take a step back to look at the big picture. 

For a while now, I've been shouting from the rooftops that the Democrats care about one thing and one thing only, and that's power. They dress themselves as the party of this and that, but in the end, if they have to sacrifice you on the altar of ambition to gain even an ounce more power, then they'll happily do it. It doesn't matter who you are, or what you were to them a moment ago. 

READ: Democrat Politicians Care About One Thing and It's Not You

It doesn't matter if you're identity, whether you're the common working man or the President of the United States. All will be led to the chopping block if it benefits the party: 

Biden isn’t their only victim. Democrats loved to pretend they’re the party of women, yet they’ve stood back and allowed men who claim they’re women to shove them out of their rightful positions. Women must either accept that transgendered individuals are whoever they say they are and must be allowed to enter women’s spaces or be made into a pariah. Feminism, once one of the largest driving forces behind the Democrat Party, has now been told to sit down and be quiet.

Minorities that step out of line will suddenly find themselves outside of the umbrella of Democrat protection. Democrats love to virtue signal about their care for minorities who have it worse off such as those across the border looking to make their way here. They refuse to do much of anything about our porous southern border and become angry at those who even try to do anything about it.

But if those immigrants they care so much about are guaranteed to vote Republican once they get here, then those immigrants must stay in their country of origin. In fact, it was the Biden administration’s policy that Cubans, in particular, needed to be turned away at the border. They are not allowed in.

In Biden's case, he's not being sacrificed with the destruction of his name, at least not by the Democrats. His fate is arguably worse. He's being artificially kept going past his expiration date. As his mind continues to deteriorate and his body fails him more and more, the Democrats are refusing to let him live out the remainder of what years he has, in order to force him to continue being their puppet in their desperate attempt to hold onto power. 

Biden is just one more thing Democrats are willing to sacrifice for their gain. 

It needs to be understood that Democrats don't care about you. They don't care about the people they say they care about. They don't even care about each other. All that matters at the end of the day is that they maintain their grip over this country--and over you. 


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