
The Left Hasn't Figured Out That It's Trump's Best Friend

AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty

Donald Trump.

Just saying that name can elicit some very extreme emotions be it abject horror and fury to excitement and happiness. I think I can easily say that the 45th president of the United States has been one of, if not the most, divisive figure in modern history. Sure, every Republican president has watched as the media and activist groups worked round the clock to make them look bad, but no one has generated more apoplectic rage than Trump has.

Trump’s mere existence causes the left to simultaneously live in anger and fear. They’re so convinced that the man is the manifestation of evil itself. A second coming of Hitler. If they actually hated Satan, they’d say he was the anti-Christ.

Every person has a different idea about who Trump is. If you line up 100 people and ask them about their thoughts on him, you’d get 100 different answers. However, one thing is certain. At this time, if you’re of the Republican persuasion, the likelihood that you’re a big fan of Trump is high. Fourty-five continues to top poll after poll when it comes to Republican favorability, and no matter what anyone does or says, that number doesn’t seem to shift.

This leaves a question that needs to be asked. What is Trump doing that is working so well?

Anyone paying attention for even a moment will have an easy answer; he’s not doing anything. From time to time he’ll release a statement on Truth Social, and he gives speeches from time to time, but otherwise, he’s not really doing much of anything that’s worthy of note. In fact, most of the media air is being sucked up by all the legal battles he’s having to fight.

Legal battles…brought on by leftists.

If you’re a voter and you see someone constantly trying to take you down through an obviously corrupted and weaponized justice system, then you’re going to start to think that the guy the corrupt system is attacking is the guy they fear the most. Logically, you’d start rooting for that guy.

Trump hardly has to do any advertising because the left does it all for him. They generate one of the most motivating feelings human beings can possess; spite.

I’ve covered the power of spite before and how it can drive people. I used Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling and her continued and increasing success thanks to the radical left’s constant attempts to cancel her and bring her down for the simple crime of defending women against transgender activists. The more they rage against Rowling, the more people give up their time and resources to protect and empower Rowling. Even people who don’t agree with her politics find themselves lining up to defend her.

(READ: A Warning to Social Tyrants: Beware the Powerfully Motivating Force That Is Spite)

It’s the same story with Trump. The radical left hates the man with an untold passion, but the radical left is so hated itself that people will support Trump, not just because the left fears him, but because they want to piss off the left.

One of the most common substances that make up the concoction that is Trump’s base is pure, unadulterated spite. It’s actually pretty incredible to watch as, while spite is a common feeling in politics, it’s never been utilized on this level, at least in modernity.

The more the left tries to take him down the more power he gains, but the left can’t stop themselves. Not only can they not stop because their hatred of him drives them to bring him down, but because they fear what will happen if he gets into office.

All the spite that empowered Trump will ultimately give power to his own spitefulness that he accumulated over the course of the past eight years. He has a huge grudge, and the hope of many a voter is that he will use that anger to clean up D.C. and bring America back.

For the left, it’s like watching a drug addict inject themselves. Yeah, lashing out and making trouble for Trump makes them feel good in the moment, but it might be the thing that ultimately destroys them.


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