
No, Ignoring the Left Won't Solve the Problem

AP Photo/Anjum Naveed

I wanted to take a moment to address a complaint I get from time to time from readers and followers of my Twitter account. While it’s not super common, I want to make something clear to the few of you who confront me about some of the topics I write about.

The complaint is that I give too much daylight to leftists and leftist activities. The people who do the complaining usually tell me that if I just stopped talking about this stuff it would go away. Their idea is that giving it attention only gives people the excuse to do it more because attention is what they’re really after.

To this, I say that in some cases you might very well be correct. However, in the vast majority of cases, this is a very bad idea or, at the very least, tactically unsound.

An example would be a response I’d gotten to my article about how we should make virtue-signaling corporations pay for their hollow preaching and I gave an example of Ben & Jerry’s. The ice cream company celebrated July 4 by shaming Americans for celebrating their independence on “stolen land.” Hilariously, Ben & Jerry’s HQ sits on land that previously belonged to the Abenaki Nation in Vermont, and upon hearing that the ice cream company was all about giving back “stolen land,” an Abenaki Chief, Don Stevens, demanded that the company give the land back.

To this, I said that the best way to punish a brand for finger-wagging at everyone else or celebrating a politically leftist cause is to make them live up to their own expressed virtues through social pressure. No matter what Ben & Jerry’s does from this point on, the response from the people should always be “When are you giving back the land you stole from the Abenaki Nation?”

(READ: Make Virtue Signaling More Expensive)

The complaint I received was that this would just give Ben & Jerry’s more engagement, thus making their presence on the social radar that much greater. Better to ignore them and let them languish in obscurity.

Two things. Firstly, Ben & Jerry’s isn’t going to languish in obscurity. I can’t walk past a freezer at a store without seeing at least a few of their flavors displayed for purchase. Like many organizations that cave to leftism for one reason or another, ignoring them won’t hurt them one iota. In fact, being silent about them will only benefit them.

Lighting them up is the point. You want them to be seen as being made a fool of. You want to point out that the Emperor has no clothes. The engagement rates may go up, but this engagement is filled with PR nightmare fuel. Ben & Jerry’s will be seen being embarrassed by the people, their hypocrisy exposed, and their lunacy being laughed at. They and their supposed moral high ground will be seen being ripped to shreds. People will turn away from their product as they’re being laughed at.

Look at it this way. If we had ignored Bud Light or Target’s attempts to push transgenderism on people, including children in the latter’s case, do you think the boycotts would have worked half as well if at all? History tells us “no.” Boycotts typically don’t go anywhere after a certain time because they lose public awareness. Keeping it fresh in the minds of the people made these boycotts effective and destructive.

Another example of how daylight becomes the best disinfectant for radical leftism comes in the form of Chaya Raichik’s Libs of TikTok.

The Libs of TikTok Twitter account has done more to expose the radical left’s ambitions for a societal takeover than almost anyone else, especially when it comes to the transgender movement’s attempts to get at your children. Raichik’s account has taught the general public about who their enemy is by allowing the left to be seen by more people. The left hates Libs of TikTok and its ability to amplify their own unfiltered and embarrassing ideas that they went so far as to doxx and intimidate Raichik’s family.

The radical left hates the idea that you’ll get to know them better than they like. They hate being exposed, and their ideas and plans laid bare for the general public to see. They know that to know them better is to understand their weaknesses and their goals, and it makes it a lot easier to generate a movement of like-minded Americans capable of fighting them off.

One of the principal strategies of warfare is knowing your enemy. So when they move or act, or speak up, it’s important to highlight it, argue against it, destroy it, and let the public see it happening. Let them know that there are predators around the corner and that they aren’t helpless or alone in their fight against them.

Besides, we’ve seen what happens when you ignore the problems. The corporate media has ignored the problems on the left for decades and it’s now a cesspool of corruption and evil. Activists posing as educators attempt to furtively brainwash our children into falling in with their radical socio-political ideals. Influencers present half-baked arguments to fool people into decisions that would ultimately harm them.

All of this needs to be talked about. All of this needs to be dragged kicking and screaming into the sunlight. All of this needs to be brought before the public to be weighed, measured, and punished.

Never doubt the effectiveness of awareness.


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