
Nothing Is True, Everything Is Permitted

Tom Williams/Pool via AP, File

All over the west, people are waking up one day and deciding that, like Thanos with a fully stocked gauntlet, reality can be whatever they want. Everything that they’d learned about the natural order and logic of this world up to this point is complete and total nonsense.

At that moment, they toss it all to the wind and come to interesting conclusions about the world. Men and women are the same. In fact, what a woman is can’t be defined because a woman isn’t something that can be nailed down with a simple definition. Racism, sexism, phobia. All those are words and concepts that have no static definitions, but instead can be altered on a whim.

These people can, if they so choose, demand everyone else call them by a different name and accept that they’re a gender than they’re not. A man can throw on a dress or a woman’s swimsuit and walk into women’s private spaces. If they complain, the man can accuse them of bigotry and being “phobic.”

What’s worse is that many businesses, activists, media figures, and politicians will back this man up and will help to create pariahs out of innocent people. They’ll help generate mobs against establishments that even give off a hint of disagreement, reward men for beating women in women’s sports, and hand high governmental positions to people who hardly qualify for the job but will get one because they’re transgender.

And you better shut the hell up about it all. You better not argue. You better not do anything short of show utter adulation for these stunning and brave individuals. Failing to do so will result in suspensions, bannings, firings, and more, and not just for you but anyone you associate with.

They’re so invested in this message that a woman can’t even sit in front of another woman and define what a woman is during a job interview for a seat on the highest court in the land.

But why stop there?

If women are undefinable then are they even real? Are women just figments of our imagination? Were movements like the Women’s March a political movement based on nothing? Was the #MeToo movement about the harassment of women a completely nonsensical detour that was a waste of society’s time and money? Should we be punishing those responsible for not just reinforcing such a toxic worldview as to suggest there’s such a thing as a woman?

Are they not now guilty of spreading…dare I say It?


But let’s go further. If women aren’t real is the study of biology even real? Is everything we learned in class throughout our entire young lives absolute bunk?

And if biology isn’t true then is science true as a whole? Is everything we’ve known up to be a law of the universe an absolute falsehood? Does this mean that climate science isn’t true too? What about “the science” when it came to COVID-19? Is Newton’s Law a fantasy and I can just choose to not obey gravity any time I please? Can fish just not have to be in the water to survive and can birds just hunt prey by shooting lasers out of their eyes?

Is reality just a fantasy?

If something so basic as sex is a construct of our society and not a biological fact of nature then there’s no reason for anything to mean anything because we can just make anything into anything we want it to be. I can declare myself a billionaire and spend money like one then when it comes time to pay up I can just say I paid it and no one can question me because I identified as someone who has no debts.

If we’re going to deny basic truths that we’ve known for the entirety of our species’ existence then what’s the point of anything?


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