Illinois School Board Tries to Walk out on Bosnian Immigrant Warning Against Tyranny but Parents Stop Them Cold

(AP Photo/Lisa Rathke)

Mask mandates are becoming less and less popular, and this is, in part, the result of mask mandates being pushed on children in schools where they’re hardly needed. Angry parents have shown up at school board meetings to either demand an end to the nonsensical policies or remind stubborn leftist educators that it’s not their place to decide what their child does or does not do.


In one such school board meeting in Collinsville, Illinois, parents showed up to voice their disapproval of the mask mandates enforced on their children. One of the speakers was an immigrant from Bosnia who had experienced very real tyranny and showed up to the meeting to talk about it.

According to the Daily Wire, Virginia Kruta obtained footage of the man telling his story about the threat of genocide hanging over his head while he was in his old country. However, he was lucky enough to escape it as a child and make his way to America where he began attending school in the 5th grade.

Before he came to America, the father said he witnessed atrocities done upon people, be it their freedoms or their bodies:

“It was the simple small things, because you couldn’t walk down the street and tell your neighbor how you really felt, because your neighbor might rat out on you,” he said. “And that’s where we’re at right now, we’re staring [sic] to see that.”

“Secondly, they forced every one of us to register our guns,” he continued. “I was very young, but I have vivid memories of the Serbs coming in and beating my parents, beating my mother, doing many other things to many other women.”

“So, I came over here and started out in 5th grade,” the dad said. “I was always the person to stand up for my principles, so I’m starting to teach my child to do the same thing.”


The father told this heartbreaking tale in order to warn against tyrannical control and the dangers of compliance.

However, the school board members didn’t seem to want to hear it. They attempted to gavel the meeting over, in order to silence the man and try to turn the meeting into a closed session. As the immigrant continued to speak without stopping, parents began to protest the attempt to cut him off.

It was then that two of the school board members began to get up and gather their things in order to walk out, but the parents weren’t having it. They demanded the two women sit down and listen to the man after having to endure listening to them talk at them for some time. Angry parents soon began yelling at the board members, all the while the father still spoke on. Reportedly, the school board president told his fellow board members to sit back down, which they did.

The Bosnian immigrant finished his speech, encouraging others to stop their compliance of tyrannical laws, lest they face the same problems he did in his old country:


“There is no land of opportunity like there is here, and I’m just one person to say that. And you know, there are 60,000 of us in St. Louis, that are here for a reason, not because we want to live the way we lived in the 90s [in Bosnia], in fear of what’s next,” he said. “This is becoming way too political and way too tyrannical. There’s absolutely no reason for this. None.”

“I have to say one more thing, and it’s simple: We all want to be civil, and we all want to do this the right way, but I’m telling you, if you do not stop complying, you will lose everything that you have,” the father warned, met with applause from parents.

“Stop complying,” he said through a standing ovation. “Stop complying.”

Parents all over the nation have been coming into school board meetings in order to voice their disapproval of ridiculous policies, much to the dismay of school board members who attempt, in some way, to escape the parents whom they have to answer to. As RedState reported on Tuesday, school board members in Frederick County, Virginia, attempted to flee parents as they were handed subpoenas for a lawsuit brought against the board over illegal mask mandates.


(READ: Virginia School Board Tries to Flee Parents as They’re Served Subpoenas for Defying Youngkin Exec Order on Masks)

Parents retaking public schools away from the radical leftists that have embedded themselves there may be the most important fight in the nation, as control over the education of the youth is control over the future. Rest assured, these aren’t the first videos that have come out of school board meetings that feature angry parents dominating school board meetings, and they won’t be the last.


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