The Left Goes Apoplectic Over Amy Coney Barrett's Confirmation, and Here Are Some of the Best Reactions

There are a lot of reasons to reelect President Donald Trump, but I think one of the many benefits is that the left absolutely loses it when things don’t go their way, and when I say “lose it” I mean grown adults devolve into tantrum-throwing children.


The death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was hard enough on the left. What made it even harder was the fact that Trump was president and the Senate was owned by the Republicans. They also had enough time, and they used it to push through Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

Since Barrett is a devout Christian woman with right-leaning beliefs, naturally the left can only come to the conclusion that Barrett is going to set fire to Roe v. Wade, rip up the ACA, and then force every woman into handmaid outfits to live out the rest of their days under the rule of the patriarchy.

While it would be fun if Roe and the ACA met their end, it’s a bit on the overdramatic side of things to think that we’re going to enter an era of fundamentalism seen in fictional shows.

But people on the left truly seem to believe things are going to get that bad and their reactions to it have been nothing short of hysterical. Carrying out the time-honored tradition of overreacting to bad news like Pat did during the announcement of Trump becoming president, we’ve got screaming, we’ve got crying, and we’ve got desperation.

Let’s start with some screaming and cursing the gods for being born a woman.


It gets better. This peach holds back tears as she attempts to stay on the good side of the patriarchy by pretending all of her Wiccan necklace wearing gay feminism was a joke.

Tech student Democrats really leaned into the idea that men actually control women by congratulating ACB’s husband Jesse for his nomination to the Supreme Court.

For some reason, this woman has vowed to never have the sex again because of ACB’s nomination. Also, no more birth control according to another woman!

Naturally, the loss of the Supreme Court seat requires blame, and it looks like Chuck Schumer is going to take some of it.


This woman has lost confidence in herself…for some reason.

Don’t worry. The men are capable of overdramatics, too.


I’m sick to my stomach. #fyp #vote #blue #2020 #foryou #dumptrump2020 #trump #biden2020 #foryoupage #help

♬ FARGO QUARTET – Chris Heckman

Berkely Professor Robert Reich wants this moment to “radicalize you.”

We’ve seen what the radicalized look like.

I expect many more to come out after the writing of this so keep an eye out. The meltdowns are pretty much a feature of the left, not a bug.

(Meltdown City: CNN Covers Itself in Wrong Kind of Glory Over ACB’s Constitutional Oath Ceremony)


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