Portland rioters find reasons to riot the same way internet denizens find ways to celebrate everything from dog ownership to the color chartreuse.
Like “International Chartreuse Dog Day” being an excuse for Instagram users to take another photo of themselves, rioters came up with a reason to riot in the latest “day of rage,” which they titled “Indigenous Peoples Day of Rage.” With Monday being Columbus Day, cities where the social justice infection has become so deep that they deserve to be amputated from the United States, have now begun calling it “Indigenous Peoples Day.”
According to the Oregonian, 200 rioters wearing Antifa-like attire got together to celebrate this “day of rage,” with the intention of tearing down statues of two, very famous racists, Theodore Roosevelt, and the worst racist of them all, Abraham Lincoln:
Over the course of his life, Roosevelt expressed hostility toward Native Americans, as Indian Country Today wrote in an accounting of his attitudes and policies. He pushed policies that promoted assimilation into white culture including the allotment system, by which Native American land was allotted to those who became U.S. citizens and the remainder was made available to white settlers. The policy also weakened tribal governments, an effect reportedly cheered by Roosevelt.
The group then turned to the nearby Abraham Lincoln statue, pulling it to the ground at 8:59 p.m. Spray-painted on the base of the statue was “Dakota 38,” a reference to 38 Dakota men executed after the Dakota-U.S. War of 1862 in the largest mass execution in a single day in American history. (Lincoln commuted the same sentence, handed down by a military tribunal, for 265 others.)
After toppling the statues, some protesters began smashing windows at the Oregon Historical Society, unfurling a banner that read, “Stop honoring racist colonizer murderers.” A mural on the attached Sovereign Hotel building depicting the Lewis & Clark expedition was splattered with red paint.
Luckily, no exhibits were damaged due to the rioters. What did get damaged were a number of windows and a sign at the Portland State University Campus Public Safety Office. The rioters continued down Southwest Fifth Avenue, where they smashed storefront windows for seven blocks, punishing all those people who *checks notes* exist.
Other statues that Portland’s rioters have burned down include the notorious and racist elk.
God bless these rioters for destroying the racist monument to that old confederate general Thadius "Hardhorns" McGuffins. pic.twitter.com/cNrMt13XTu
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) July 2, 2020
At this point, it’s pretty obvious that the rioters in cities like Portland aren’t really concerned about real issues; they’re just looking for reasons to riot. Destroying statues, no matter what that statue is, is par for the course. Smashing storefront windows of people who did absolutely nothing to deserve it is further proof that reason isn’t a factor here. They riot because they’ve been taught to.
It also shows that these rioters have absolutely no concept of value themselves. They destroy what others have built because they have no guilt. They have no guilt because they haven’t put forth the effort to build anything themselves. They don’t understand what it is to truly create something.
So, they destroy in their ignorance, and then they go out and vote Democrat.
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