Democrats and their leftist activist organizations are being proactive in their quest to keep the swamp as full and filthy as possible and to do that they have to make sure that undercover investigative groups such as Project Veritas can’t operate within the state.
Oregon Democrats passed a “two-party consent law” making it illegal to record anyone in the state without their knowledge, but Project Veritas isn’t giving up. Project Veritas CEO, James O’Keefe, has struck up a lawsuit that seeks to change this law so that investigations can resume.
O’Keefe was joined by attorney Ben Barr who announced the lawsuit was being filed in federal court and noted that Michigan had attempted the same draconian laws but Project Veritas was successful in overturning them.
“The courts have used this law to endorse the arrest of a citizen who held a camera, warned the person he was filming that he had them on camera, but didn’t specifically warn the camera captured audio,” said Barr.
“It is absurd, but, more importantly, it is unconstitutional,” he added.
O’Keefe stated the importance of undercover journalism and why it’s necessary for an informed society.
“Imagine the Statesman Journal or the Oregonian’s coverage of Portland’s violent and destructive protests if they were able to record deep inside the civil unrest and expose who is really behind the violence. By denying the right to record, Oregon bans the most effective means of gathering the news,” O’Keefe said.
“We made First Amendment history with our legal victory in Massachusetts federal court when the judge struck down that state’s multiple-party consent laws for recording public officials conducting the public’s business and we are now trying to restore the First Amendment to Oregon,” O’Keefe added.
Project Veritas has busted many corrupt groups and exposed many politicians using undercover journalism where they infiltrate campaigns or activist organizations using secret cameras and microphones. Project Veritas’s work has been integral to keeping the public informed about the things the left would rather you not see.
Oregon voters should be questioning why Oregon politicians and activist groups don’t want themselves filmed without their knowledge. In a constitutional republic, public servants of every variety answer to the people and if they’re doing their best to keep their activities a secret from said people, then many must wonder why.
RedState will keep on top of this story as it unfolds.
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