Miley Cyrus and Marc Jacobs Team Up to Unintentionally Drive People to Support Pro-Life Stances

(Photo by Barry Brecheisen/Invision/AP, File)

Former “Hannah Montana” star Miley Cyrus has decided to take her specific brand of gross weirdness and support the abortion giant Planned Parenthood with a new line of hoodies designed by Marc Jacobs.


The hoodie is a Planned Parenthood pink with a picture of the singer on the front holding two halves of a grapefruit in front of her exposed breasts. This is accompanied by the words “don’t f**k with my freedom.”

Cyrus posted the picture of herself along with a link to the hoodies on her Instagram page, which received over a million likes.


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DON’T FUCK WITH MY FREEDOM πŸ’– @themarcjacobs @marcjacobs @plannedparenthood @happyhippiefdn

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She previously sent out a picture which features her licking a cake that says “abortion is healthcare.”

All proceeds are reportedly going to Planned Parenthood.

While many were only too happy to clap along to Cyrus’s promotion of abortion, many found Cyrus’s ridiculous attempt at promoting abortion to be gross. Many resolved to unfollow her as others argued her position and questioned her maturity.


As well they should. Abortion is definitely not healthcare, and studies have been shown to prove that abortion actually creates more health complications than it solves. Also, what does holding grapefruits up to your breasts and licking a cake have to do with abortion?

Cyrus seems to have been on a desperate quest to be as attention-grabbing and controversial as she can since she left her Hannah Montana days behind. Her overt sexual displays come off more like desperation than entertainment. They may have shocked audiences the first time they saw Hannah Montana wag her tongue and her butt in their direction, but now it just comes off as strange and even a little sad.

This team up with Planned Parenthood only cements the look.


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