CBS News Performs 100 Percent Incorrect Fact-Check on JD Vance and His Border Czar Comments at Debate

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

As expected, the fact-checks are arriving in the wake of Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate, and also as also expected they primarily focused on JD Vance. One in particular is both ignorant and previously seen, but this time it seems especially stunted as it arrives from the news network that staged the debate. CBS News felt the need to leap on the fact that Vance dared refer to Kamala Harris as the “Border Czar”.


There has already been a pathetic dose of spin by the press since Harris was anointed as the Democrat nominee. Immediately after her installation at the top of the ticket, the excuses were rolled out to declare she was not in charge of the border. This became an embarrassing effort for the press, as not only was Kamala’s responsibility exposed but many in the press referred to her as Border Czar over the years. CBS News was nonetheless undeterred and determined to join in on the clownish posturing.


Yes, this echoes the prior claims and is patently false, but what makes this so egregious today is the utter lack of investigation into this story on an objective level. While the outlet delivered a seemingly detailed account, what you see is just boilerplate talking points. Harris was not solely given a diplomatic role to address arrivals from the Southern Triangle nations. We know this from a trusted authority on the matter – Kamala Harris.


As we covered in July, the reports from March of 2021 – when Biden and Harris held a press meeting for her job appointment - Biden declared she was charged with addressing the border, Mexico, and the Southern Triangle. In one report from the New York Times:

Ms. Harris will also soon be taking over work from a departing official with years of experience. Last week, Roberta S. Jacobson -  chosen as Mr. Biden’s “border czar,” - said that she would retire from government. She said she was happy to see Ms. Harris assume the work of stemming migration from Central America.

Note the use of the term “also.” Note too the direction that Harris would “assume the work” of that office. Then, in another report from the Times, we had this detail concerning the departure of Border Czar Roberta Jacobson:

Her role as one of the administration’s top border officials was eclipsed late last month when Mr. Biden announced that Vice President Kamala Harris would lead the government’s diplomatic efforts with that region.

This continues to explain the breadth of the responsibility granted to Harris. If her role eclipsed that of the Border Czar this means - by definition - it was even larger than that performed in that office. In fact, since the Harris appointment and the resignation of Jacobson, the Border Czar position was never filled; this is because Harris assumed those duties. And this was something Harris herself attested to.


During that March ‘21 meeting in the Oval Office, Kamala boasted that she was taking on an expanded position and that she would be placed in charge of both stemming the flow at the border as well as acting in a diplomatic fashion with the Southern Triangle nations.

While we are clear that people should not come to the border now, we also understand that we will enforce the law,” Ms. Harris said before a White House meeting with top immigration officials. “We also — because we can chew gum and walk at the same time — must address the root causes that cause people to make the trek.”

So in a very technical sense, some could argue she is not in actuality the Border Czar. This would not be in the accurate sense however. This is because while she may not retain that official title, it is only because she was given a far more sweeping assignment that also included the duties of the former Border Czar position.

Again, this was all missed when CBS News performed a FACT-check, what is supposed to be a final declaration of facts on a matter. And they delivered a completely fraudulent result. If Harris was christened the Border Czar, it was because she was even more than that. But don’t believe me, believe the words of President Biden, the New York Times, and Kamala Harris herself.


Oh – and the words of CBS News. (Seriously, you folks are truly desperate and affiliated with partisan sloth.)


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