
The Lie-Able Sources Podcast: Arlington Confrontation Consternation Has Journalists Looking Grave

Your source for mainline mainstream media misdeeds and malarkey.

The press has been completely consumed with the story of Donald Trump attending an honor ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. There have been all manner of accusations that he violated tradition and propriety, all while ignoring that Gold Star families invited Trump and the White House to attend an honor ceremony. To slam him these families are being insulted, and even having it implied they are lying. 

Additionally, there is a side story about an alleged confrontation between a Trump entourage member and a worker at Arlington. The press is convinced that this episode played out, but is at the same time mystified that those involved have not been exposed. The amusement is seen in multiple journalists looking to see who is willing to commit journalism and get the facts reported – if they exist. The fact that they are not investigating speaks volumes.

And then just to cap things off, there is the big (small) news (announcement) that the exiled CNN media expert is making a triumphant (pedestrian) return to the network.

Now, crack one open and savor some mainstream media malpractice and misinformation.



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