
Lie-Able Sources Podcast: WaPo Calls for Censorship, Axios Denies Own Report, and Dana Bash Lies Boldly

Your source for mainline mainstream media misdeeds and malarkey.

The press is losing their grip on reality this week, and it is somewhat baffling to behold. At the Washington Post, their White House correspondent, Cleve Wootson, was concerned over Donald Trump preparing to speak with Elon Musk. Mr. Wootson, in the White House briefing room, actually asked if President Biden would take any steps to block the conversation from taking place. Wrap your head around that reality; in the name of alleged misinformation spreading, a journalist was actively asking if the president would engage in censorship.

On the topic of misinformation, CNN’s Dana Bash — fresh off of claiming the media never lie — actively lied when she delivered a recording of the Trump-Musk interview, providing a fraudulently edited audio to claim the men were dismissing the Japanese atom bombs dropped in WW2. In truth, it was a broader discussion about nuclear fallout and how areas like the Fukushima nuclear plant and the cities bombed had recovered from the radiation in surprisingly quick fashion. Dana Bash knowingly clipped this segment to display her false presentation.

Then at Axios, there was a revealing report on how the Kamala Harris campaign was contorting News headlines to sell herself as approved in the media and pushing these faked headlines in her campaign advertising. The same reporter, in a baffling fashion, then followed up to say this was somehow not a problem.

Then, we close out with Politico amusingly trying to sell the idea that Florida may possibly be in play this election, and then there is a revealing segment from “The Late Show” where the audience laughed at the concept that CNN is an objective news network. It was not said as a punchline.

Now, crack one open and savor some mainstream media malpractice and misinformation.



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