WATCH: Left-Wing Audience's Hilarious Reaction to Stephen Colbert Interviewing CNN's Kaitlan Collins

"The Late Show" YouTube video: "Puppetry In The First Degree"

CNN's Kaitlan Collins joined Stephen Colbert on "The Late Show" on Monday night, and it wasn't the lame jokes that had the left-wing audience laughing. 

Before we get there, you're probably asking why Collins, a low-rated cable news host, was given the celebrity treatment on a late-night television show. That's a good question that I think is answered by the total commitment of popular culture to the Democratic Party. 


Is Collins really a journalist as much as she is an activist for the leftwing of America? And is Colbert really a comedian as much as he is a boring mouthpiece for whatever Democrat is seeking power at the moment? They may operate in different ways, but they are the same, pushing whatever narrative is necessary to secure their political wants. 

SEE: Kaitlan Collins Turns Into a Sputtering Mess After Ted Cruz Exposes CNN As Propaganda Network

Sometimes their hubris is even too much for their fellow leftwingers, though. That happened when Colbert attempted to describe Collins and CNN as "objective" arbiters who just "report the news as it is." The words had barely left the late-night host's lips before the audience burst into laughter.

COLLINS: Trump has kind of been thrown on his heels by this, and he's not really sure how to go after Vice President Harris. He knew his attack lines on President Biden. He really has struggled with how to go after someone who is 20 years younger than him, who is a different gender, a different race. It's kind of been this moment where he has not been able to coalesce around a single attack line. 

COLBERT: I know you guys are objective over there, that you just report the news as it is. 

(Audience starts laughing)

COLBERT: Oh, I know, CNN makes a, I know...

COLLINS: Was that supposed to be a laugh line?

COLBERT: It wasn't supposed to be, but I guess it is.


Hey, an audience knows a good joke when it hears one, and let's be honest, they probably hadn't heard very many ones worth laughing at up to that point. Sitting through a Colbert monologue is akin to punching yourself in the face over and over. 

You could see the offense on Collins' face when things went off-script. She truly believes her ridiculous network is an arbiter of truth, holding no bias or political preferences. Of course, the rest of us know that's ludicrous. CNN doesn't have a single anchor that could be described as even middle-of-the-road. When the closest example of that is Jake Tapper, who is at best a mainline Democrat, then it's safe to say there are no editorial checks in the newsroom. 

What helps Democrats? That's what CNN is going to run with, feigned objectivity at times aside. One only has to look at how Dana Bash treated JD Vance on Sunday to know the network is anything but a credible news source. 

SEE: The Two Moments JD Vance Wrecked Left-Wing Interviewers on Sunday

The thing that gets me about an exchange like the above is how much of a bubble these people live in. Some self-reflection would be very helpful for CNN, especially given that it remains a ratings nightmare that is going to lead to a financial cliff sooner or later. The network is living off past glory, securing presidential debates and other events when it should simply be ignored. One can only live off of reputation for so long, and that's even more true when said reputation continues to be set on fire to prop up ridiculous politicians like Kamala Harris. 



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