Gaslighting on Gas Stoves - Biden’s Dept. of Energy Passes New Rules They Claimed Were a GOP Conspiracy

AP Photo/Thomas Kienzle, File

It has been over a year now that the topic of governmental control over gas stoves in the home has generated its share of controversy. With the media playing along, the Biden administration has been striving to place restrictions on these appliances. But each time it has been mentioned, there has been significant pushback on the move, both publicly and politically, and then an abrupt shift in the messaging would take place. The persistence of this effort typifies the Leftist desire for control and the unceasing drive for such.


As a result of constant pushing, the announcement has just been made that new rules will be instituted on gas stoves. The Department of Energy has declared it will be finalizing these new standards despite Congressional efforts to halt this, as well as bi-partisan and public opposition.

This all began in January 2023, when something of a trial balloon was sent up from the Consumer Products Safety Commission. Richard Trumka Jr. made the comment that we need to rethink the safety aspects of gas stoves. Within a day, there was a flood of media coming out to repeat the claim and to make it sound like the most common sense thing is to rid ourselves of these killer appliances. Then came the backlash, and it was so severe that just as quickly, we heard that there was, in fact, no call to eliminate these stoves.

By the second day, the press came out and declared that no one is looking to ban gas stoves and that this was nothing more than a conservative conspiracy, cooked up by those who wanted to promote culture wars or some such excuse. The tell here was that we saw this whiplash 180 coverage take place not just in the media but at the very same outlets.

As seen from ABC News, the bifurcated narrative had been, “These conservative crackpots are making this up,” and “Well, of course, they want to ban stoves; it just makes sense.”


The idiocy in all of this lying insistence in the press is that they tried to say the pushback was based on a lie. “Nobody wants to ban the stoves” was the prevailing claim being made after the outcry. Yeah, only one problem, you simpletons: With the Trumka interview that kicked up all of the controversy at Bloomberg, it stated right there in the headline that the CPSC would “Consider (a) Ban on Gas Stoves.”

After a time, when the furor ebbed enough, the narrative shifted back to ridding ourselves of these appliances. This push is being made, mind you, in defiance of the science. The initial study this was rooted in was deeply flawed and roundly ridiculed by pragmatic thinkers. (Note: Policy pushers and agenda drivers are NOT pragmatic.) In order to come up with measurable levels of “dangerous” fumes, the study eliminated ventilation and sealed off the area around the stove. 

Further, those in the government looking to ban gas stoves needed to ignore another source – the very same government. The EPA had a study of its own, and it declared these nightmarish toxic appliances to be mostly harmless.

The Environmental Protection Agency says “gas stoves (and gas fireplace inserts) do not require EPA certification. Whether designed to burn natural gas or propane, they burn very cleanly, emitting very little pollution.”


Despite the science and common sense, the bureaucrats would not be stopped. There were efforts made in the Senate, with Ted Cruz passing a bill to halt this move towards a ban, as well as public rights groups opposing this move. Yet the DOE has declared that, despite defined opposition, these criticisms “do not provide a reasonable basis for withdrawing the direct final rule.”

So there you have it. There was no demand for this action, we saw Congressional opposition, numerous groups criticizing the effort, public opinion strongly against this, and the science showing there was no justification for this move – and yet the government forges ahead with these rules. A burner should be turned up to 10 and have this ruling incinerated on the spot. 

Just have your exhaust fan turned on so the noxious fumes of toxic legislation do not affect your family!


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