Media Whiplash: Press Veers From Intense Curiosity About Trump's Health to Abject Apathy Over Biden's

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

It has been with amazement that we behold our national developments just this month. In less than a fortnight we have careened from Trump’s assassination attempt, to the Republican convention, followed immediately by the president vacating his reelection bid, the coronation of Kamala, and the various side stories springing up from the tumult like so many tornadoes spinning off of a hurricane. 


This is not a news cycle, but a news peloton.

Showing that not a single lesson has been learned from the credibility hit delivered by the disaster of the Biden debate, the press industry has once again fallen into dutiful alignment with the Democratic party. Once Kamala Harris was christened, the media have been in full swooning mode. One example was seen Monday as she gave her first appearance before the press.

Harris delivered an introductory speech, during which she laid into Donald Trump in the expected fashion. Nothing jarring was heard, as this was a typical political hit in a campaign speech. Yet, on the same afternoon, JD Vance also delivered a stump speech and NBC News reporter Garrett Haake was in attendance, and he was rather perturbed at the hostility displayed by Vance. 

Get this: He dared say things critical of Kamala Harris!

As the NBC News afternoon crew raved about Harris and castigated Trump-Vance over near-identical speeches, there is a more revealing - more exposing - practice being seen. It revolves around the current condition of Joe Biden and the abject apathy on display in the press environment. It is clear that there is a case of stark impairment currently affecting the president, yet we are not receiving anything on par with serious coverage.


This is a severe dose of malpractice, just considering that something could have developed to prod Biden into stepping down from the Democratic ticket. That alone would be grounds for investigating, but when you fold in the fact there was the announced contracting of COVID and that he has not been seen since July 17, and you sense a strong desire for avoidance in the press. Then you have the reality of him backing away from the election with only a released note and no media appearance or even a recorded message.

Even more curious are the elements leading up to today that the press is roundly ignoring. On July 17, Biden curtailed his planned trip to Vegas and made what looked to be a hasty retreat back to Delaware. He was not visibly spry upon arrival and has not been heard from since. Then there are the emerging reports that there was possibly a far more serious episode experienced on that truncated trip. 

Now this is not confirmed to an appreciable level, but there are several outlets with contacts with LVPD delivering similar reports. That the broader media players are not involving themselves speaks volumes. The lack of curiosity is itself an issue, but just as revealing is we are not seeing the usual practice of attempting to debunk these early reports. The defensive “cheap fake” narrative style is not in play, which may tell us even more.


But while that is trending to more of speculative analysis something else completely exposes the slanted approach by the press. We need only look back to a week or so ago to see the complete opposite approach by the media regarding the medical concerns of a political leader. Following Trump’s injury as a result of a sniper’s bullet, the press was energized with a desire to ferret out any type of inconsistency as proof of…something.

Where is this energy when it comes to Biden having some type of malady, be it physical, mental, or a combination? Making this all the more stark is that following his injury Trump was extremely available. Hospital pictures emerged, he was golfing the next day, and that Monday he appeared at the GOP convention – but the press were desperate to find a story. Yet when the actual president of the country has an issue and disappears for a week, there is zero to be found in the form of curiosity. 

Beyond the impacts on the Democratic side of the election, there are serious questions about the viability of Biden in the running of the country. The same journalists who performed a Zapruder-level analysis on Trump’s ear bandage as he took the stage cannot be bothered to inquire about what is transpiring inside the White House and Delaware home. They have inadvertently once again exposed their fractured journalism ethics, and it will likely cause more damage to their sinking respectability.



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