Lie-Able Sources Podcast: Chuck Todd Admits Hiding Biden Facts, and NPR Begs for Biden Attention

Your source for mainline mainstream media misdeeds and malarkey.

The dismay and dysphoria in the press circles continue, and they seem intent on perpetuating the very actions that brought this conflict upon the industry. Chuck Todd hosted Jonathan Martin, of Politico, on his “Todd-cast,” and the two obliviously proved what so many expected of the news environment. The joking duo exposed knowing about — for years — Biden’s cognitive slide and how those in D.C. have been aware.


In similar fashion, over at The Bulwark, resident Never-Trump hysteric Tim Miller spoke with Ezra Klein, and as a result, Miller was floored by an admission Klein details coming from high-placed Democrats. There is also an update on the Biden radio interviews controversy as more dubious practices have been revealed, and we look in on National Public Radio as one correspondent is all but begging for attention from the Biden administration — in a completely non-partisan fashion, you understand.

Now, crack one open and savor some mainstream media malpractice and misinformation.



(EDITOR'S NOTE: Normally, this "Lie-Able Sources" podcast would be behind the RedState paywall. This week, it’s not, in honor of our 20th Anniversary. To support our independent journalism amidst the efforts of government and Big Tech censors to silence us, we invite you to become a VIP member. By using the special discount code of “RS20” you'll get 60% off. Thank you for your ongoing readership and support of RedState.)


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