Marble Halls & Silver Screens Podcast ep.39 -- The Hearing is Believing Edition

Covering the connection of DC politics and Hollywood entertainment as they contribute to our culture.

Con-Fir-MaTion Time, C’MON!

Our long national purgatory has finally come to an end as Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed to the Supreme court. After all of the accusations of gang rapes, quaalude punch, keggers, johnson waggling, and throwing ice cubes the Senate got around to voting and now we have to go back to talking to each other about actual subjects.


But in the wake of the vote Sarah and Brad serve on cleanup duty of the celebration. There is plenty of wreckage to go over concerning the press, and celebrities who lost their minds over the confirmation.




THIS WEEK’S THEME: “The Next Episode”” — DR. DRE feat. SNOOP DOGG

  • Sarah delves into what is wrong with the ladies these days. Brad MOSTLY kept quiet.
  • Ronan Farrow invalidated his Pulitzer with an embarrassing piece on potential FBI witnesses — none of whom had anything resembling evidence.
  • Hope Hicks has a new job in the media. The members of the media were upset, because when politicians join the media they can only be Democrats, according to the media.
  • A pair of Hollywood celebrities were on location in DC for the confirmation protests, and they managed to get ARRESTED…sort of. In a way. Okay, not really.
  • One of our astronauts had to apologize, because he dared quote a historic figure.
  • Sarah was spent and exhausted by the SCOTUS vote. Brad details how he celebrated obnoxiously.



SARAH: Lindsey Graham, the OG of the GOP!!!

BRAD: The cultish protesters just drone on with their chants, even when they get it wrong…


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Brad: @MartiniShark


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