New Democrat Cope Drops: Make Mitt Romney Their Nominee

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

How desperate are Democrats to dump Joe Biden? Desperate enough to start floating the idea of using an open convention to make Mitt Romney their nominee. 

No, I'm not kidding. The New York Times published a piece by Aaron Sorkin on Sunday suggesting that the former Republican presidential candidate could be the savior Democrats need in this dark time. 


If you aren't familiar with Sorkin, he wrote "The West Wing" and is seen as a political savant on the left, even when his fantasy-driven drivel is so clearly counter-productive. With that said, is Mitt Romney going to end up being the Democrat nominee? Of course, not. Despite his infamous "moderation" and penchant for stabbing Republicans in the back, the Utah senator would never accept. 

Further, the Democratic Party is a far-left party in 2024. The idea that the majority of radicals would join hands with a too-online minority to "save democracy" by nominating a Republican is laughable. In an open convention, you'd be more likely to see Bernie Sanders pushed forward than anyone described as a "moderate."

That's not really the point, though, is it? As fantastical as Sorkin's suggestion is, it illustrates just how desperate Democrats have become. If we are now at the "nominate Mitt Romney" stage, I shudder to think about what they'll be suggesting in October. This is a party so deep in the bargaining stage that acceptance is nowhere on the horizon, and that's just a bit scary given what they've been willing to do in the past to remain in power (and what they are currently still trying to do). 


What we are witnessing is akin to a cornered animal. Democrats chose to pursue the path that led them here. They spent years lying about Biden's condition. They lauded his pick of Kamala Harris based on intersectional qualities despite her obvious flaws. They refused to moderate on even the most serious issues, such as the border crisis, instead going full-steam ahead with Bernie Sanders' agenda. Now, they are desperately trying to find a way out of the mess they created. 

Here's the thing, though. There is no way out. There is no good option. There is no backroom exit to escape out of. Joe Biden is their nominee, and as of this moment, he is decisively losing to Donald Trump. Mitt Romney nor anyone else is riding in on a white horse to save them from themselves.


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