WATCH: UK Home Secretary Gives Stunning Speech on Failure of Multiculturalism, Seeks Asylum Changes

UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman says multiculturism has failed (9/26/23). (Credit: Twitter)

Things took a shocking turn in the United Kingdom on Tuesday when Home Secretary Suella Braverman pronounced that "multiculturalism" has failed. For context, the UK Home Office is essentially responsible for security in the country.


In a speech that hit on many of the issues plaguing Europe related to illegal immigration, Braverman explained how a lack of assimilation has led to ruin on the continent. 

BRAVERMAN: Uncontrolled immigration, inadequate integration, and a misguided dogma of multiculturalism have proven a toxic combination for Europe over the last few decades. I'm not the first to point this out. In 2010, Angela Merkel gave a speech in which she acknowledged that multiculturalism had utterly failed, and then, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British PM David Cameron echoed similar sentiments shortly thereafter.

Multiculturism makes no demands of the incomer to integrate. It has failed because it allowed people to come to our society and live parallel lives in it. They could be in the society but not of the society, and in extreme cases, they could pursue lives aimed at undermining the stability and threatening the security of our society. 

Further, the UK will now be seeking big changes to asylum regulations that have previously represented an open door. At issue are court rulings over the decades that have essentially given free entry to anyone who claims discrimination as opposed to any actual threat of violence. Currently, if you are a woman or are gay, you likely qualify for asylum even if your home country does not actually punish you for being such. 


Braverman will argue that case law arising from the convention has lowered the threshold so that asylum seekers need only prove that they face "discrimination" instead of a real risk of torture or violence.

The number of people who may therefore qualify for asylum has reached "unsustainable" levels and "being gay, or a woman, and fearful of discrimination in your country of origin, is sufficient to qualify for protection", Braverman will say, according to extracts released by her department.

Braverman also noted that almost all asylum seekers in the UK passed through other safe countries first, a problem that also plagues the United States. 

"The vast majority have passed through multiple safe countries, and in some instances have resided in safe countries for several years," Braverman will say.

"In this sense, there is an argument that they should cease to be treated as refugees when considering the legitimacy of their onward movement."

American conservatives were well ahead of the game in warning about a lack of assimilation stemming from mass illegal immigration. The issue is not race or ethnicity. Clearly, Braverman is not white. Rather, the issue is a willingness to become part of society instead of starting a parallel society. A nation that is splintered in such a way can't ultimately stand. 


The United Kingdom and others in Europe are finally facing that hard reality. Unfortunately for them, getting the asylum rules changed will be difficult. Still, a nation is nothing if it isn't sovereign, and it's beyond time for countries to start enforcing their own laws instead of defaulting to bastardized global agreements.


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