FBI Agent Blows the Whistle on Government Targeting of Pro-Lifers

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

An FBI agent has come forward to blow the whistle on the bureau’s targeting of pro-life individuals and entities.

According to Life News, FBI Special Agent Garret O’Boyle said that the government began to update threat tags following the Dobbs decision by the U.S. Supreme Court. But while pro-abortion fanatics were busy committing acts of violence and even attempting to assassinate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, it was those with “pro-life adherence” who ended up in the crosshairs.


In a shocking release of whistleblower testimony, FBI Special Agent Garret O’Boyle claimed that the FBI began targeting pro-life pregnancy centers after the Dobbs decision last summer. Describing the FBI leadership’s directives to update threat tags that began targeting “pro-life adherence,” O’Boyle said, “When this threat tag came out, it was like, why are you focusing on pro-life people? … It’s pro-choice people who are the ones protesting or otherwise threatening violence…”

According to Fox News, “O’Boyle said the FBI wanted agents to ‘look into’ what the bureau called ‘pregnancy centers.’”

The release of O’Boyle’s testimony came one day after Attorney General Merrick Garland was questioned extensively by the Republican members—such as Ted Cruz (R-TX)Mike Lee (R-UT), and Josh Hawley (R-MO)—of the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) attacks on peaceful pro-life citizens like Mark Houck and the lack of arrests in the over 80 attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers since the leak of the Dobbs case on May 2, 2022.

In an inexplicable move, while pro-life centers were being fire-bombed en masse after the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was revealed, the FBI decided the real threats were…pro-lifers.

That’d be like you calling the police to report a break-in and the police then investigating you for making the call. It’s an insane development that makes no sense because it’s not meant to make sense. Rather, it’s more evidence of the grotesque far-left bias that exists at the FBI and within the broader DOJ.


As the article notes, there have been over 80 attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers since the Dobbs decision leaked. Since then, only two arrests have been made and groups like “Jane’s Revenge” continue to operate and promote violence with impunity.

And what is AG Merrick Garland’s excuse? Per his recent testimony before the Senate, it’s just too difficult to catch those responsible. Think about how absurd that is. The FBI has managed to track down harmless grandmas who walked around on January 6th, but because the attacks on pro-life centers are happening at night, the bureau just can’t crack the case. No one should believe that. Instead, Occam’s razor says that the FBI and DOJ simply do not care about leftwing violence unless it is so in-your-face that they can’t ignore it.



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