Glenn Youngkin and Company Start Things off by Going Scorched Earth in Virginia

AP Photo/Steve Helber

Glenn Youngkin, Winsome Sears, and Jason Miyares will be sworn in today, marking a sea-change of leadership in Virginia. More importantly, because actions ultimately matter, the three Republicans are already looking to take big steps toward fixing the mess left behind by Democrat Ralph Northam’s administration.


On his first day in office, Youngkin is going to sign an order to eliminate the state-wide mask mandate for children in schools. That’s in response to the overwhelming amount of data that masks in schools have been one of the most useless, asinine policies of the COVID-19 pandemic.

That move is already drawing backlash from the left, which is the surest sign that Youngkin could receive that he’s doing the right thing. There is no reason to continue muzzling kids, harming the learning environment, when masks are largely ineffective anyway and vaccines are readily available for teachers. Certainly, doubling down by attempting to move children to N95s, which require professional fitment and rigorous sanitization to have any real efficacy, would have been insane.

Further, Youngkin also announced the hiring of outspoken anti-CRT voice Jillian Balow as Education Superintendent, which will hopefully help to rein in the state’s rogue school boards. Clearly, things aren’t going the way Larry Hogan’s administration went in Maryland.


But while Youngkin is making the moves you’d expect, it’s the new Attorney General Jason Miyares that is already causing wailing and gnashing of teeth. He’s replacing Mark Herring, who ran the office in the typical far-left, woke fashion that led to a higher crime rate and deterioration of safety. Herring also let the various George Soros-funded district attorneys in the state run wild.

That’s about to stop.

The local media are already attacking Miyares for firing those in the “non-partisan” Civil Rights division, but we all know what the game really was there. It was no doubt filled with a bunch of leftwing ideologues who weren’t prosecuting crime properly and were instead trying to bring about “equity” from a legal standpoint. Besides, every new attorney general cleans house upon taking office. There’s nothing unusual going on with Miyares doing the same.


But it’s his announcement that the state itself will prosecute crimes local DAs won’t that represents the largest shift in Virginia. That includes Democrat bastions like Richmond and Alexandria. Every single Republican AG across the nation should be doing the same thing; it’s the only way to fight back against the push to “reform” the criminal justice system, not in ways that make sense, but by simply not policing crime and hurting communities.

In summary, this is a great start for Virginia’s new trifecta, and they’ll also have a Republican legislature to help as well. As long as Youngkin and company stand firm, they can truly turn their state in a positive direction.


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