Joe Biden knew. That’s one of the chief themes that was developed in the new Senate report on Hunter Biden’s laundry list of bad, possibly criminal behavior. As I reported yesterday, the report notes that Hunter Biden was wired $3.5M from a Russian woman under mysterious circumstances. And while the mainstream media may be ignoring all this, there are plenty of people who aren’t content to sit back and not push this stuff into the light.
Mollie Hemingway appeared on Fox News last night and shared some of the revelations from the report.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has “not spoken accurately about his knowledge of his son’s involvement in Burisma” or the problem it caused for the Obama administration, Fox News contributor Molly Hemingway said Wednesday night.
Reacting to the mainstream media and Democrats downplaying the report by two U.S. Senate committees on Hunter Biden’s overseas dealings while his father was vice president, the Federalist senior editor said there is “truly breaking news” in the report.
“While this is focused on Hunter Biden and James Biden and other family members of Joe Biden, not Joe Biden himself, it is also true that Joe Biden was revealed to have not spoken accurately about his knowledge of his son’s involvement in Burisma, the Ukrainian energy concern,” Hemingway told “Fox News @ Night.”
The Democratic nominee “said he didn’t know about it when the report shows that in fact, some bureaucrats were so concerned about Hunter Biden’s role that they had briefed him, that they had alerted the FBI,” she said.
Joe Biden has previously lied about his knowledge of his son’s dealings, but Obama era officials testified to the Senate committee investigating that they had personally briefed Biden on the matter and how big of a conflict of interest it was. They also, in at least one case, alerted the FBI about what was going on.
While there were reports of this news earlier in the year, we now have proof that Joe Biden’s explanation that he was simply unaware of what his son was doing isn’t true. That has big implications given that he’s thus far managed to escape any questioning of the situation.
Yet, I suspect that might change soon. I’m no Chris Wallace fan, this is exactly the kind of thing he very well might bring up at the first debate. If he doesn’t, Trump will absolutely interject it somewhere. Joe Biden has successfully hidden from the press thus far, to the extent that they were going to ask him tough questions in the first place, but he now has three face to face meetings with the current president who has no qualms with throwing someone’s dirty laundry out onto the floor. Recall that Trump brought several of Bill Clinton’s accusers to one of his debates with Hillary Clinton.
Of course, the idea that Joe Biden was ignorant in all this never passed muster. He took Hunter Biden on several trips with him to countries where shady business dealings ended up happening. If Joe Biden didn’t know the details, he at least knew something was going on. Looking the other way is no more proper than directly engaging. All of this happened in Ukraine, Russia, and China while the elder Biden was said to be leading the charge on foreign policy.
The stakes on Tuesday have been raised and Trump is not going to be afraid to play every card he has. Get your popcorn ready.
(Please follow me on Twitter! @bonchieredstate)
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