This becomes especially relevant with reports that Iran is bombarding bases with U.S. forces present in Iraq right now. How the American people feel about Iran’s continued aggression will play a large role in the long term strategy of how we deal with this.
With that said, the current attack could be Iran’s way of saving face without actually killing Americans. We’ll have to see what facts are laid out throughout the evening.
On the topic of how Americans are responding to the initial attack on Soleimani, a new poll shows that more approve than disapprove.
The poll, which was released on Monday, found that 43 percent of registered voters surveyed said they supported Trump’s order to kill Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, one of the most powerful officials in Iran and the leader of its elite Quds Force. Among that pool, 30 percent said they strongly approved of the decision.
Thirty-eight percent of respondents said they disapproved of the military action, showing that Americans are almost equally divided over the move. Nineteen percent said they were not sure whether they approved or disapproved of Trump’s decision.
This is actually fairly surprising, as it’s been tough to find any issue which Trump is even tacitly connected to that Democrats won’t oppose him over in lock-step. It seems for the moment, though, that common sense is prevailing among some even on the left. Soleimani was a violent terrorist who killed Americans and planned on killing more. Taking him out was not something mourn, as much of the U.S. media did in the aftermath.
19% did say they don’t know yet and that’s fair. Obviously, those opinions will be formed going forward based on how thing play out.
Regardless, the media narrative that this is being viewed overwhelmingly negatively by the American people is simply not true.
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