Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky. smiles while answering a reporter’s question at a news conference following a closed-door policy meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2016. The Senate will take no action on anyone President Barack Obama nominates to fill the Supreme Court vacancy, Senator McConnell said as nearly all Republicans rallied behind his calls to leave the seat vacant for the next president to fill. His announcement came after Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee ruled out any hearing for an Obama pick. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
He runs a worldwide criminal enterprise, so I’m sure Cocaine McConnell will get past this, but it doesn’t make it any less worthy of ridicule.
Per The Federalist, former Hillary Clinton Aide Adam Parkhomenko decided to share a video of McConnell tripping as he attempted to step onto a stage.
A former Hillary Clinton aide and Democratic strategist, Adam Parkhomenko, recently mocked Senate majority leader and polio survivor Mitch McConnell for a video in which he stumbles and falls while walking up a step. The polio disease paralyzed McConnell in his left leg as a child, so he spent his early years in physical therapy.
Here’s the tweet and video he posted.
Yesterday I posted this new found footage of Mitch McConnell standing up for America. 368,000 views overnight. Mitch McConnell does not want you to let this video get up to 1,000,000 views.
— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) April 4, 2019
Apparently, Parkhomenko didn’t know that McConnell tripped because he has limited use of his left leg due to having childhood polio. Despite that, he’s not only refused to take down the offending tweet, he’s now doubled down.
Weird how we never hear about McConnell’s polio when he’s trying to take away people’s healthcare or looking the other way when Rand goes anti-vaxxer. I will delete the tweet when Mitch stops trying to take away coverage from those with pre-existing conditions or…in general.
— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) April 4, 2019
You see, it’s ok to make fun of McConnell’s polio injury because he once supported the repeal of the disastrous Obamacare legislation. Makes sense.
The really dumb thing is that McConnell didn’t even support removing coverage for those with preexisting conditions while that legislative battle was going on. What Rand Paul’s views on liberty and vaccinations have to do with anything is anyone’s guess. Paul is not “anti-vaxxer,” he’s simply against federal bureaucrats being able to force Americans to comply. This guy is clearly just grasping at straws.
Now, I’m old enough to remember when Trump supposedly made fun of a disabled person. (Narrator: he didn’t even know the writer in question was handicapped.) We were told how horrific that is and how it should never happen. Ok, fair enough and Trump didn’t double down after finding out. If Parkhomenko were an aide to President Trump, would he get a pass here for doubling down or would CNN be staking out his house right now? Would Trump be questioned directly about it and be held to account for his aide’s actions? The answer to those questions is, “Of course.” MSNBC should be calling up Hillary right now for comment.
The double standard here is hard to miss.
As if all that weren’t enough to tell you what kind of person Parkhomenko is, he was also a big Michael Avenatti fanboi as late as October 2018. Hillary really knows how to pick winners, right? Well, except herself.
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