Maine Gov. Janet Mills Delivers Gaslighting Masterclass After Trump's Demand for an Apology

AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty, File

The backstory: President Donald Trump got into a tense exchange with Democrat Governor of Maine Janet Mills at a February Governors Association working session at the White House over the issue of men playing in women’s sports, the Trump administration threatened to pull funding from the University of Maine system for not honoring his executive order banning such competition, and then the University of Maine capitulated and agree to the terms. Following all that, Trump demanded a full-throated apology from the leftist governor for her behavior.


On Tuesday, Mills replied, and as I predicted, she’s too far removed from the new mood in this country to apologize or even to recognize that she’s against the vast majority of the public on this divisive issue. Most Americans don’t think men should be playing against women, end of sentence.

But Mills wouldn’t even agree that that's the issue at hand.

"My issue is about the rule of law, pure and simple," Mills said. "It's not about transgender sports; it's about who makes the laws and who enforces the laws." 

Wrong. The issue is about “transgender sports.” That’s what the executive order covered, that’s what Trump was speaking about at the WH, and that’s why the Agriculture Dept. threatened to withhold funding. That is exactly what it’s about.


She continued to avoid the heart of the matter and wanted to talk about virtually anything else:

"I read the Constitution. The Constitution says that the president, the chief executive, shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed. It doesn't allow him to make laws out of whole cloth by tweet or Instagram post or press release or executive order."

Mills also condemned Trump for his stance on abortion and tariffs, and never once referred to the president by name.


With unbelievable gall, she talked about protecting women and girls even as she’s been supporting a dangerous and unfair policy that hurts females:

"We've seen policies that threaten women and girls across the country," Mills said. "If the current occupant of the White House wants to protect women and girls, he should start by protecting the women and teenage girls who are suffering miscarriages and dying because they can't get basic, life-saving healthcare in states across the country.

"Look, the issue isn't about transgender sports. People in Maine and across the country are waiting for an economic plan from the current occupant of the White House. And so far, we've seen none. We've seen tariffs and threats of tariffs that threaten our economy here in Maine and across the country."

Now that takes some hypocritical double-talking nerve.

What the heck do tariffs and abortion or her other pet left-wing causes have to do with men in her state allegedly competing – and unfairly winning – against females in competition?

Read Related: Trump Demands 'Full-Throated Apology' From Maine Gov. for Boorish WH Behavior, Support for Absurd Policy

Finding Out: Trump Admin Yanks Funding to Blue-State University That Allows Men in Women's Sports

As I’ve written before, I’m perfectly happy for Democrats to die on this hill. Why they want to do it is beyond me; polls show that 80 percent of the American public does not think it’s right for men to take trophies and scholarship opportunities from females, all while putting their safety at risk.


This is what you're supporting, Gov. Mills?

Keep at it, Dems. Keep at it, Janet. You’ll keep seeing election results like the one you saw in November, and that’s fine by me.

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