Jurors on Hunter Biden Gun Case Were Split at First, but Overwhelming Drug Evidence Swayed the Panel

AP Photo/Matt Slocum

As we reported, the jury has spoken, and the news was not good for First Son Hunter Biden, who was convicted Tuesday on all three counts related to deliberately lying about his crack cocaine addiction on a federal gun purchase form in order to buy a .38-caliber Colt Cobra revolver on Oct. 12, 2018. Sentencing normally would occur within 120 days; two of the charges have a maximum sentence of 19 years, the third has a maximum of 5 years, but as a first-time offender, he almost certainly wouldn’t receive a punishment anything close to that and might not even face time behind bars at all.


BREAKING: Jury Finds Hunter Biden Guilty on All Counts

Joe Biden Speaks on Hunter's Felony Conviction—'I Will Accept the Outcome of This Case'

Now we’re hearing from some of the jurors on the case, and it turns out that despite their relatively quick —a little over three hours—deliberations—they were not in agreement at first:

The jury was evenly split at an informal vote Monday night, another juror revealed.

Five panelists changed their mind overnight, they explained.

One hold-out remained unconvinced that Hunter was on crack when he purchased the gun, but later changed her mind after going back over the evidence.

The jury “worked together really well,” the upper Delaware juror noted. 

“I was expecting all of us to be at each other’s throats, you know, because of who his father is and how the political climate is in this country. It turned out much better than expected,” she said.

For two jurors, it was the overwhelming drug evidence that swayed them:

One of the jurors in the Hunter Biden gun trial said the case was heart-wrenching, moments after the guilty verdict was handed down. 

The 68-year-old juror from Sussex County, Delaware described the case to Fox News and but said he didn't buy the story that Hunter went to a 7-Eleven — and said he thought he was probably buying crack-cocaine.

"Nobody is above the law, doesn't matter who you are," the juror said. 


Hunter’s own texts, revealed during the trial, showed numerous messages with alleged drug dealers with whom the First Son arranged to buy drugs outside the convenience store.

Another juror was also swayed by all the damning evidence about Hunter’s drug use:

Text messages between Hunter Biden and his sister-in-law-turned-girlfriend were some of the most damning evidence against him, one juror said — as another revealed that the panelists were evenly split after the first day of deliberations.

“[The text messages showed], in my opinion, he was training to get drugs,” one juror, a black 51-year-old woman from Upper Delaware, told The Post of the damning exchanges between Hunter and Hallie Biden that led to his conviction on three felony charges.

Although Hunter’s team tried to argue that he was off drugs when he filled out the gun form, text messages with a dealer named “Mookie” were enough evidence for this juror to conclude that he was still getting high.

And there was more:

Hunter sent [Beau’s widow and then-girlfriend to Hunter] Hallie [Biden] another message the next day, which claimed he was sleeping on a car while smoking crack.

“To me, he looks kind of defeated, he looks kind of helpless to me,” the juror said of the beleaguered first son.

“I think he just needs to get away somewhere and get some real rehab, if he hasn’t. Hopefully he’s still not using,” she added.


As of this writing, Joe Biden is taking to the podium to speak on guns. I can't imagine a more awkward event.

Update 2:56 p.m. EST: Biden has finished speaking, and unbelievably, he didn't mention Hunter's hours-old conviction.


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