
Scott Presler: The Man Who May Deliver the 2024 Election for Donald Trump.

Townhall Media

Politicians, especially those who run for president, always seem to have someone behind the scenes: a guru, a svengali, someone who appears to be directing all the right things toward their candidate. Bill Clinton had George Stephanopoulos, George W. Bush had Karl Rove, and even Donald Trump had Kellyanne Conway. But in 2024, Trump's secret weapon is a guy named Scott Presler. And he is making big waves for Trump and Republicans in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania. Most people know him by his long hair, but who is he?

Scott Presler burst onto the political scene in 2017 when he became the national coordinator for the "March Against Sharia," an event sponsored by the group "ACT For America," who work to oppose Sharia law being imposed anywhere in the U.S. Presler said that as a gay man, he was motivated to help out after the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida in 2016. Presler said it started very organically. All he did was post on X, then Twitter, "Hey, I would love to do a rally, who wants to help?" Sometimes, all it takes is a simple question to get the ball rolling.

But it was some of those mean tweets posted by Donald Trump that brought Presler into the national spotlight. In 2019, Trump tweeted about the state of Democrat-run cities all over America and how the one thing they had in common was their deterioration at the hands of those Democrats. Specifically, he tweeted about Baltimore, Maryland, calling it "a 'disgusting, rat and rodent-infested mess.'" That was enough for Presler. A few days later, with the help of hundreds of volunteers. They took matters into their own hands and hit the streets of Baltimore with gloves and trash bags, picking up trash and pulling weeds. At the time, Presler said of the cleanup:

"This is not about President Trump. This is not about (being) anti-Representative (Elijah) Cummings. This is about we see a problem, and these are our American people. These are our brothers and sisters."

The Baltimore cleanup led to a nationwide cleanup tour of sorts to several Democrat-run cities like Chicago, Detroit, and San Francisco, where Presler said he was "protested for picking up trash."

In full disclosure, Scott Presler has been counted among the crew here at RedState. But it is in the area of voter registration where Presler seems to have found his niche. In January of 2023, he founded Early Vote Action. Presler founded the group with a sole purpose: to "register Republican voters and get them committed to vote early, absentee, by mail, or on Election Day – by any means necessary!" The group has grown into a nationwide network of grassroots activists who are concentrating on swing states. 

In Pennsylvania, Presler's efforts with the help of his grassroots team appear to be paying off. Democrats in the Keystone state got a bit of a bump after Joe Biden left the race in July, but that bump has all but evaporated. With roughly six weeks to go until election day, Pennsylvania Democrats are seeing their weakest voter registration over Republicans in decades. As of September 16, Democrats are still hanging on to a slim majority, with 44 percent of registered voters, compared to Republicans 40.2 percent. But the deadline for voter registration in Pennsylvania is October 21, and Democrats may be starting to sweat. Republicans are up around 40,000 more voters than this time in 2020, and Democrats are 303,000 behind their 2020 totals. 

Jondavid Longo is the Pennsylvania director for Early Vote Action, and said of the group's efforts:

“It's obvious to everyone that Republican voter registration efforts, and registration efforts in general, are leaning in favor of the Republican Party. In almost every county, consistently, for almost an entire year, since January, Republicans have outperformed Democrats in voter registration numbers nearly every month or and in nearly every county."

In a recent X video, Presler reflected on where life has taken him. Like many people, he has taken a completely different path than he ever thought he would. He said that as he travels around the country, he sees how Americans are struggling under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. He urged those watching to direct their anger and frustration to something positive. He added, "Our country is on life support," and sees, like many other Americans, that this election is truly a turning point for the nation. He urged those who have not felt like they had a voice to stand up now and "let Tuesday, November 5 be your battle cry." 

As election day gets closer, Scott Presler has become Donald Trump's unlikely General. 


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