
CO Parents Sue School District, Say They Were Not Told Daughter Would Share Room With Trans Student

AP Photo/Armando Franca

The left loves that old saying, "It takes a village to raise a child." It is a polite way to say that the state should raise your child, and you get no say in the matter. However, more and more parents are fighting back at school districts that want to force agendas on children that parents do not want. In Colorado, a group of parents are taking the school district to court. Not over what the district is saying, but what they are not saying. 

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is stepping in on behalf of three Colorado families, filing a federal lawsuit against the Jefferson County School District. One of those families is Joe and Serena Wailes and their 11-year-old daughter. The Wailes allowed their daughter to go on a district-sponsored trip to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. They were told their daughter would room with three other fifth-grade girls. For girls that age, that is a trip with a bonus slumber party. Only that is not what it was. When their daughter was getting ready to go to bed the first night of the trip, only then did she learn that the classmate she was assigned to share a bed with was a boy who identified as a girl.

Joe and Serena Wailes say they feel that keeping this information from them and their daughter was intentional. The trip had been planned for roughly 18 months, and nothing was said. They had also received a large amount of paperwork to fill out for their daughter to go on the trip, and nowhere in the paperwork was any reference to other students' gender identity and sleeping arrangements. 

The ADF says it has filed the lawsuit based on the district's policy that bases overnight sleeping accommodations on gender identity rather than the child's actual gender. Kate Anderson is ADF Senior Counsel and director of the ADF Center for Parental Rights. She stated about the school district's policy,

“Parents, not the government, have the right and duty to direct the upbringing and education of their children, and that includes making informed decisions to protect their child’s privacy. This fundamental right is especially vital for parents to protect their children from violations of bodily privacy by exposure to the opposite sex in intimate settings, like sleeping arrangements or shower facilities. If Jefferson County Public Schools is going to continue placing students of the opposite sex in the same room on overnight trips — as it confirmed it would — the district must let parents be the ones to make decisions about their children's privacy.”

But the dishonesty didn't stop there. Before the trip, parents were assured that girls and boys would not only be in separate rooms but on separate floors. Serena had accompanied her daughter on the trip but not as a chaperone. After the late-night phone call from her daughter, who was uncomfortable with the arrangement, there was a series of bed and room changes in an attempt to make everyone comfortable. However, the students were asked by the chaperones to lie about the reasons for the moves.  

The ADF, on behalf of the Wailes, sent a letter to the school district requesting transparency in their policies so that parents could decide, along with their kids, whether they would be comfortable sleeping with a transgender student, someone biologically of the opposite sex, on overnight trips. A second letter was sent out saying that parents should be able to opt out of the policy that assigns rooms by gender identity and not biological sex. The ADF says that the second letter was sent because other Jefferson County School District parents had kids who experienced similar situations and were not able to make decisions for their own children. The Wailes claim the district denied the requests in both letters.

If the school district was sure that parents would have no problems with the sleeping arrangements, why not just tell them a boy who identifies as a girl would be sleeping with biological girls? Because they knew it would be a problem. It was more important for the agenda to be forced on kids, forcing them to make adult decisions, than for them to feel comfortable. 

The Jefferson County School District has not commented on the case, but parents throughout the nation should be vigilant. The left is bringing this agenda to a school district near you.



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