
Former Clinton Sec. of Labor Reich Says Elon Musk 'Out of Control'—He Means Out of the Left's Control

Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP

This year's Democrat National Convention was good for one excellent reason. It was a coming out party of sorts for them and beneficial for the rest of America that they decided to stop hiding some very pertinent information about who they are. We certainly suspected their real values, but now they've proved it. For one, there is a strong antisemitic wing of the party, and for two, they have an increasing overt disdain, almost hatred of free speech. The First Amendment is the bedrock of the founding of the nation, but as with most things related to the Constitution, for Democrats and the left, it is merely an obstacle, something to be gotten around.

My colleague Ward Clark recently reported that former Clinton Secretary of Labor and now useful idiot for the left, Robert Reich, is advocating for threatening to arrest owner and Executive Chairman of X, Elon Musk, for what Reich and other leftist toadies call "disinformation." Reich wrote a column on his Substack page entitled "Six Ways to Rein in Musk." Right off the bat, Reich displays the absence of an irony chip, so common among the left as Substack is one of the freest of free speech platforms to blather on about confiscation of someone else's free speech. 

The initial problem Reich has with what Elon Musk says or posts on the platform he owns would, of course, magically disappear if Musk supported Kamala Harris and the Democrats. But he's not going to; he has publicly endorsed Donald Trump and is helping Republicans with their ground game. Because of this, Reich describes the free speech of a private American citizen, albeit a prominent international one,  as "out of control." My first question to Mr. Reich would be the use of the phrase "rein in." Who are you and your elitist Euroweenie friends to say that the free speech of any American citizen needs to be "reined in?" Oh wait, I know why: because it is free speech that you don't like. Out of control means out of yours and the left's control.

Here are just a few things that Reich suggests would "rein in" Elon Musk's right of free speech. The first, boycotting Tesla. To go along with that, Reich suggests that advertisers boycott X. That is not going to happen; there is too much revenue to be had from advertising on X. Granted, Elon Musk is not just any American business owner, but a move like that would make most business owners more outspoken. Reich then suggests that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) go after Musk under Section 5 of the FTC Act. Section 5 states that Musk's First Amendment free speech rights don't take precedence over the public interest. This would essentially be the U.S. government making Elon Musk shut up. But we know that Democrat administrations have no problem with suppressing the free speech of Americans. Meta and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg confirmed it for us. We can conclude that only the speech Reich likes is "serving the public interest."

Robert Reich, of course, supports Kamala Harris for president. Maybe this is why. A 2019 video is resurfacing, where Harris, who was a presidential candidate at the time, also advocates for the free speech of another prominent American -- former President Donald Trump -- to be suppressed. She stated:

"He has lost his privileges, and it should be taken down, and the bottom line is that you can't say that you have one rule for Facebook and you have a different rule for Twitter. The same rule has to apply which is that there has to be a responsibility that is placed on these social media sites to understand their power. They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation, and that has to stop."

Free speech is a right, not a privilege. If Democrats and the left think they are obligated to go after a guy like Elon Musk, what will they do to Joe Sixpack after he tweets something they don't like? If you don't think that freedom of speech is literally on the ballot in 2024, the Democrat Party has already clearly demonstrated that it most certainly is. 

This cannot be tolerated, as such Musk must be destroyed for community cohesion.


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