
Democrats Continue to Float the Idea That They Are the 'Party of Women' - Here's a Quick History

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

As the grand illusion, otherwise known as the Democrat National Convention (DNC), continues, it is proving to be just a lollapalooza of lies, half-truths, and hatred of Donald Trump greater than their love of America on full display. They also continue to float the same old, tired, worn-out ideas like: Democrats are the party of the middle class, minorities, and women. Thankfully, middle-class and minority voters are realizing this is not the case. And if we take a look at Democrats' past and present, it is easy to see that they are certainly not the party of women.

One of the prime-time speakers was former President Bill Clinton on Wednesday night. At 78 years old, he is still a beloved and influential member of the party. But what many women who vote Democrat, especially young women, might not know is Bill Clinton's history with women. That history started long before the Clintons ever hit Washington, D.C., when Clinton was governor of Arkansas. Two Arkansas State Troopers alleged that it was theirs and other Troopers' job to procure women for Clinton, book hotel rooms for liaisons, and even brought one woman to the Governor's Mansion after Clinton was elected president. Then there was Gennifer Flowers, who came forward during Clinton's first presidential campaign, claiming to have had a 12-year affair with Clinton.

The list of women who claimed to have some sort of unwanted sexual encounter with Clinton grew. First came Paula Jones, then Kathleen Willey, then Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Clinton of raping her. But in Bill Clinton's second term, along came Monica Lewinsky. Lewinsky was a 21-year-old White House Intern when she met Clinton. She would ultimately claim to have had a sexual affair with Clinton, who denied it at first but eventually admitted to the relationship. There was even a phrase coined for whenever a woman came forward accusing Bill Clinton of unseemly behavior: "bimbo eruption." Because nothing says respect for women like using the term "bimbo." Democrats and the media defended Bill Clinton to the nth degree.

Now, let's fast forward a bit. Vice President Kamala Harris is the Democrat nominee to be the President of the United States. If elected, she would be many "firsts," something Democrats are obsessed with. But besides her own baggage, she also brings her husband, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff's, as well. Emhoff also spoke at the DNC on Tuesday night. He told his story and the story of how he and Kamala met. As he talked about his past, he mentioned the divorce from his first wife. Sadly, many marriages now end in divorce, and there are many reasons those marriages dissolve. But the Emhoff split had a special twist to it. Earlier this month, Emhoff admitted to having an affair with his children's nanny, and the nanny became pregnant. After news of the affair broke, Emhoff's ex-wife released a statement supporting him and speaking glowingly of their blended family. The media, being the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, quickly squashed the story. Notice a pattern emerging?

But cheating husbands aside, there is more to the Democrats' obvious disdain for women, except when they want their votes. There is Democrats' staunch support for biological men competing in women's sports. Proof of that can be seen in the fact that in 2023, all 51 Senate Democrats voted to block the "Protection of Women and Girls in Sports" Act. In the House, Every Democrat voted against it as well. The bill was introduced as a means of blocking the Biden administration from including transgender athletes in Title IX guidelines.

Then, there is the matter of a wide open southern border. Human trafficking is big business along the border, and the trafficking of women and girls is a big part of that. So far, in 2024, 1.9 million people have crossed the border. Women and girls make up 94 percent of sex trafficking victims. It's not hard to do the math.

Democrats will claim to be the "party of women" long after the convention is over. But the history of who and what they are willing to overlook tells a very different story.


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