On The Scene at The RNC - Recap and Thoughts From a First-Time Alternate Delegate

Becky Noble outside the RNC convention 7-15-24. (Credit: Becky Noble)

This week, not only am I a writer here at RedState, but I am also a first-time alternate delegate for the great state of Missouri at this year's Republican National Convention. As a writer who is always looking for a good story, I decided this week to do a bit of multitasking, getting the story, and giving a birds-eye view of the convention. Political conventions on either side of the political spectrum are never boring, but this year, that is an understatement.


The several blocks around the Fiserv Forum, the site of the convention, has to comprise the most secure area on planet Earth this week, especially since the terrifying events of Saturday. Milwaukee's finest are everywhere you look, and Secret Service -- not the guys in the suits and sunglasses wearing earpieces, but those dressed like police -- travel in packs on the street. But once you are in, it really is like one big party. I think that even if Donald Trump were behind in the polls, it would still feel that way. It is the feeling you get when you are around like-minded people, and you all have the same goal. 

One of the first to speak Monday night was Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) kicking things off. She has always been one of Donald Trump's biggest cheerleaders. It is why the left hates her almost as much as they hate Trump, and she can get a crowd pumped like nobody else. The crowd gave Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) one of the biggest welcomes when he came on stage. Donald Trump has said many times that he thought Tim Scott cheered him on more than he cheered for himself while running in the Republican presidential primary, and he might be right. Scott got straight to the point, saying, "If you didn't believe in miracles before Saturday, you better be believin' right now!" But the best line of his speech had to be, "On Saturday, the devil came to Pennsylvania holding a rifle, but an American lion got back up on his feet, and he ROARED!" 

The RNC is not just about politicians or the rock stars of the party. It is ultimately about everyday Americans. One of those everyday Americans was a woman named Linda Fournos, a legal immigrant from Nicaragua. She talked about her three sons and the effect Joe Biden's economy is having on her family. One of her sons has three jobs, another has two. "That makes six jobs for three people (counting herself) just to survive in Biden's economy." It is a statistic from an average American that Joe Biden can't argue with.


Monday night was not without controversy. Model and entrepreneur Amber Rose also spoke. There had been some discussion about her appearance. Her founding of something called "Slutwalk," and the fact that she is the former girlfriend of rappers like Kanye West raised some eyebrows. But when she spoke, any doubts about her should have vanished. I thought her to be very honest about her journey to becoming a Trump supporter, and she did what admittedly many on the left don't do, their own research. She got a very warm GOP reception, a good thing to see.

The surprise yesterday was the announcement of Sen. J.D Vance (R-OH) as Trump's pick for vice president. He is a guy who people have a lot of opinions on. Myself, I think it is overall a good pick. The fact that Vance has not been in Washington very long and does not have a lot of experience may be a drawback for some, for others, the fact that he has not had time to become a swamp creature is the attraction. I think Donald Trump believes that J.D Vance is the face of the future of the Republican party, and the continuation of America First. And for anyone who has read the book or seen the movie "Hillbilly Elegy," J.D Vance is a walking American Dream story.


Donald Trump also appeared Monday night. The roar that went up from the crowd was nothing like I had ever heard. The standing ovation went on for at least five minutes. It was the outlet for all those people who know all too well that if Donald Trump had not turned his head at that exact second, America would be a vastly different place today. It might sound corny, but it was like a giant cloud of gratitude took over the convention. I have also seen talk on social media where people have said that Trump seemed different, a bit more contrite and reserved. We can only imagine what effect a brush with death, especially that close, has on you that is a lasting one.

Finally, something I observed that needs to be talked about. At the end of Monday night's session, RNC official and attorney Harmeet Dhillon offered a prayer from her Sikh faith, called an Ardas to seek, God's protection for Donald Trump, and a prayer to be recited before a new endeavor. She covered her head as a sign of respect, and it was a very moving and beautiful chant-like prayer. One man, in a section adjacent to where other alternate delegates were seated, stood up and yelled, "Christ is king," while Dhillon prayed. I have never seen a more disrespectful display. My hope is that boobs like these are few and far between in our party.


So it is on to day two. It is an amazing experience just to be here and be a part of the atmosphere, but I am going to sleep for an entire day when I get home. 


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