TX Gov., Lt. Gov. Call Out Latest Biden Whopper Claiming They Were Unreachable to Secure Disaster Funds

AP Photo/Eric Gay

President Joe Biden's history of telling whoppers is well documented. From the horrific tale of his first wife being killed by a drunk driver (not the way it happened) to his past "job" driving semi-trucks, there is not a lot that Joe Biden will not just outright lie about. 


It's one thing if it is some goofy tale about getting arrested with Nelson Mandela, but when it comes to the lives of Americans, it is a whole other level of smarmy. It is affecting the recovery of those in the path of Hurricane Beryl, but as Joe is quickly finding out, don't mess with Texas.

Hurricane Beryl made landfall near Houston early Monday morning. As of Thursday, over 1.2 million Texans remained without power as temperatures are in the 90s. But Biden is claiming that he was unable to secure federal disaster relief funds for the area because White House officials could not "track down" Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R). Patrick is currently acting governor while Abbot is overseas in Asia on an economic trip. 

Biden claimed, "I’ve been trying to track down the governor to see — I don’t have any authority to do that without a specific request from the governor." He added that he “kept tracking the lieutenant governor." Nice try, Joe. Both Abbott and Patrick were having none of it. Abbott stated on X: 


”Biden’s memory fails again. Not once did he call me during Beryl. He has my number & called me on Memorial Day after tornadoes hit Texas. I’ve had daily calls with state & local officials during Beryl. I spoke with FEMA Admin while on our trade mission but Biden never called."

Patrick was more to the point and hinted at what the lack of communication might be, saying:

“I am disappointed that President Biden is turning Hurricane Beryl into a political issue. We had a cordial call today that ended up with him granting my request for a major disaster declaration. But that’s not good enough for him. He is falsely accusing me that I was not reachable. He obviously did not know his own employees from FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] were side-by-side with me for 3 days! All he had to do was call them and have them hand their phone to me. I even took a photo with them!”


Patrick wasn't done with Joe just yet. He added:

“We were working on that with local officials as we traveled the impacted areas. As I was being briefed today, the president called… To quote President Biden, this is a load of malarkey, and he’s shoveling it!”

Patrick also made sure to bring the receipts. "The Houston Chronicle" was the first to report that Biden could not reach Abbott and Patrick without contacting either of them. After the story was printed, call logs were requested by the paper, which Patrick promptly produced, showing that Patrick spoke with Biden for approximately three minutes on a phone belonging to Texas Department of Emergency Management (TDEM) Chief Nim Kidd. Patrick also said that he was unsure why Biden called Kidd, as 10 minutes before the call, Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) officials had called and received both Patrick's and his chief of staff's personal cell numbers.  

No one wants to accuse the president of playing politics with the lives of people in need. But why would Joe Biden make people with no electricity in soaring temperatures wait around needlessly for federal disaster funds for their services to be restored? Does the answer lie in the fact that the latest FiveThirtyEight polls show Donald Trump up in the Lone Star state by a healthy ten points? Incredibly, it might just be a valid question.


Abbott Press Secretary Andrew Mahaleris put it bluntly, “This is a complete lie from Biden, and frankly doesn’t make any sense." But if you think like Joe Biden, maybe it makes perfect sense.


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