Watch Out: Emmanuel the Camera-Hogging Emu Is Going to Steal Your Heart

Emmanuel the emu won't behave or listen to its keeper. Credit: Twitter/Tyla

Let’s be honest. It’s a scalding hot, summer weekend in many red states across the country, so a little light humor is warranted. So, we bring you what could be termed a dose of cuteness overload, in the form of a viral video via news and lifestyle aggregator site Tyla. It tells the genuinely sweet story of one animal lover trying to record her educational videos…and, well, an emu named Emmanuel misbehaving. It would ruin the fun experience to reveal more.



Unlike the animal’s aggravated keeper, you won’t want Emmanuel to stop or cut it out. He might be a little unruly, but it’s just too adorable and funny to stay mad at him. And c’mon, readers: Don’t we all need more things like this goofy bird clip to make us laugh right now?


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