The furor has yet to die down from Democrat Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin’s insulting jab at Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) yesterday, but a conservative Arizona congressman is telling Americans that Scott and other Republicans are ready to rise above the “slight” and get needed police reform done.
The slight came as Senate Republicans unveiled their version of a police reform bill, introduced on the Senate floor by Sen. Scott. Later, Sen. Durbin called Scott’s bill, “a token, half-hearted approach.” Sen. Scott is black.
And as RedState’s Sister Toldjah shared, Sen. Scott dropped Durbin in a speech last night.
In a new interview with Fox News Thursday, House Freedom Caucus chairman and Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs (R) told host Ed Henry that “that kind of offhand comment can be really detrimental to bringing us together. But you know, Tim Scott is a good guy, and he will get over that, I’m sure. And would be willing to work….He’s just a standup guy. I believe we can overcome slights like that.”
But his comments took on a more ominous tone, as he discussed the compromise amendments Republicans tried to bring forward before the House Judiciary Committee vote.
He said, “It’s pretty obvious, in the House anyway, that the Democrats do not want to work with Republicans on putting something good and valuable together.” Then he gave two examples: an anti-lynching provision, which would have mandated the death penalty, which he said his Democrat committee colleagues rejected. The Republican caucus offered life in prison as an alternative, but were rebuffed, Biggs said.
The other piece House Republicans tried to work into the police reform puzzle with Democrats was limited immunity, a provision without which, Biggs said, police officers have told him they would “consider leaving” their jobs. Considering the “blue flu” going around, and news of law enforcement officials quitting in droves across the country, something like this becoming law could be bad timing for our nation’s security.
Biggs said,”It’s party line, it’s really divisive…. I’m not hopeful that we can get anything meaningful done.”
Echoing what Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Democrats did with Obamacare, Congressman Biggs concluded, “They’re going to grind this through without Republican support.”
Indeed. During a press conference this morning, Speaker Pelosi promised to bring the bill to a vote in the House next week.
You can watch the full interview below:
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